New $1/2 Del Monte Fruit Coupon + Stop & Shop Deal!

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Del Monte Coupon

Here is another great new Del Monte Coupon available today.  The coupon is for $0.50 off any (1) Del Monte Diced Apples & Pears in extra light syrup with caramel flavor or Del Monte Diced Pears in extra light syrup with Vanilla & Spice.  The coupon says “Redeemable at Walmart” on it however it is manufacturer’s coupon and can be used anywhere.  Use zip: 77477 if necessary.

Print: Del Monte Fruit Coupon (77477)

Stop & Shop has Del Monte Fruit Cup 4-Packs on sale this week for $2.50, plus you will receive a FREE box of Stop & Shop Granola Bars when you buy 2.  That comes out to $1.00 per product after coupons & FREE item!

Here is your deal:


Be sure to check out the rest of the Stop & Shop Coupon MatchUps for this week!