Giveaway Round-up
Here is a list of all the current Giveaways going on through some of your favorite brands:
MasterCombo Challenge
Enter to win a MacBook Air!
Fall Fashion: Win an amazon gift card
Enter for a chance to win $1500 Amazon Gift card!
Anvil Cases : Win an iPhone 5
Enter for a chance to win an iPhone 5
Scotties: Win a $10,000 Family Field Trip
Enter for your chance to win a $10,000 family field trip to NYC, Washington DC, The Grand Canyon, Orlando or New Enlgand
Kirkland’s Dream Room Giveaway
Enter for a chance to win a $1,500 gift card to complete your dream room!
Lays Stax – Win ever flavor
Enter for a chance to win one of every flavor of Lays Stax
The Lucky One: Win a trip
Enter for a chance to win a trip for 2 to New Orleans with accommodations and a gift card to the Melting Pot!
Enter to win tickets for a Cruise from Craftsy
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