Shop Free With Coupons This Week
Be sure to check out how to shop free with coupons this week at your favorite stores including CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Target and more. Remember, if you don’t need the item, consider picking some up for your Couponing for a Cause Donation.
I don’t understand why this page isn’t just the list? I’ve noticed a lot of your posts will do this. You click on it and then have to click again to get to the actual page. I wasn’t sure if there is a reason or just so your blog gets more page views?
Not ungreatful, just curious 😉 You’ve saved me tons of money couponing.
Because these lists are so long, when you are on the website scanning through, it takes forever to get to the next post. Also, for those that get the daily email, it takes up way too much room in the email as well as for those that view it in reader. It’s been like this for quite a while though so I’m surprised you are just taking notice of it now.