New Perrier Catalina & Coupon
There is a new Perrier Catalina Deals available. Here is the info on the catalina:
Perrier Sparkling Natural Mineral Waters, 25 oz glass bottles or 1 liter plastic bottles
8/6 – 9/2
Buy 4-5 Get a $0.75 Catalina
Buy 6-7 Get a $1 Catalina
Buy 8 or more Get a $1.50 Catalina
Participating Retailers: A&P, Acme, Genuardi’s, Kings Super Market, Pathmark Supermarket, ShopRite, Super Stop & Shop (see more stores)
Plus there is a Nestle Sparkling Waters Coupon for $0.75 off 2 bottles. Nestle Sparkling Waters include Poland Springs, Perrier and Pellegrino.
Print: Nestle Sparkling Waters Coupon
ShopRite has the bottles of Perrier for just $1.49. Here is the deal with the new catalina and coupon: