Reader Shopping Trips: CVS

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Reader Rosi, (from all the way across the country in California!) rocked CVS this week!  She only paid $0.02 out of pocket for all of this!  Way to go Rosi! Here’s what she had to say:

I am an avid LRWC follower.  Every week I sit down with  my laptop, pull up your blog, and plan my shopping trips.  I love shopping with coupons!  I thought I’d share this week’s CVS shopping trip with you.  The sales associate seemed baffled when when she gave me my total 🙂  I loved paying with the pennies at the bottom of my change purse!


  • (1) Coppertone Pro Sport 6oz, $8.99
  • (3) CVS tissues with lotion 75 ct, $0.88 each
  • (1) Thomas the Train Spinbrush, $3.94 (marked at $6.99)
  • (1) Unreal bar, $0.75
  • (8) Milky Way bars – Buy 1 at $1.19, Get One for $0.25

Coupons Used:

Total Paid: $0.02
*Note: Rosi didn’t mention this in her submission, but she should have received a $2.00 ECB for purchasing the Arm & Hammer Spinbrush, to make this an even more awesome trip!

Be sure to check out the complete list of CVS Coupon Match Ups for this week!  And be sure to check the Coupon Database for the coupons listed here.

Enter the Reader Shopping Trip Giveaway: If you have a shopping trip you want to share, find out how to enter it into the $100 Store Gift Card Giveaway!

LRWC Reader Grocery Savings Counter: Be sure to add your weekly grocery savings to the the LRWC Reader Grocery Savings Counter below. You can check out the counter in the sidebar to see how much we have all saved so far in 2012!

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