Look Whats Happening at Living Rich With Coupons!

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The long awaited redesign of Living Rich With Coupons will be unveiled (if all goes well) late tonight.  Yay!

You’ve probably seen glimpses of it on the mobile site and the LRWC Facebook Page.  But, after many months of designing, coding and tweaking, the site is ready to go live.

My goal in the redesign was to make things a little more streamlined, updated and, due to changes on the back end of the site, have the ability to easily add other features in the near future. Which honestly is where this all started.

Another goal of mind was, even with the changes, to make the site feel like it’s just an updated version of Living Rich With Coupons.  For me, it just feels like someone came in changed the curtains, freshened up the paint and added a couple of accent pieces of furniture.   It still feels like “home” to me and I hope it does to you too.

So, if you can’t get on later tonight, just know that the elves (aka Paeremrkt) are very busy redecorating.  And, if you can make out throw the blur above, there is a new addition to the site.  A mascot you might say.  My hint is…he does not walk on 2 legs.  Well, sometimes if he wants a treat.  Okay, that was too much of a hint 😉