Reader Shopping Trips: ShopRite, Stop & Shop & Target

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Karin had a great trip to ShopRite, Stop & Shop and Target this week. She got a bunch of free items and took advantage of some great deals including the  Jello Temptations deal and Reach deal! Here is her trip:

ShopRite Transaction 1:

  • 4 Lipton iced teas 1.00 (1.69 reg)
  •  4 Jello temptations 2.50 (3.79 reg)
  •  6 Stonyfield yogurt .60 (1.19 reg)
  •  2 Good natural granola bars 1.00 (1.19 reg)
  •  Wet ones 1.99 (2.69 reg)
  •  Degree deod .99 (2.29 reg)
  •  4 Reach 1.64 (3.69 reg)
  •  Sylvania lightbulbs .99 (2.99 reg)

Coupons Used:

OOP: $6.69
3.00 catalina (Jello)
3.00 catalina (Reach)

ShopRite Transaction 2:

  • 2 lipton iced teas 1.00 (1.69)
  •  4 reach toothbrushes 1.64 (3.69)
  •  wet ones 1.99 (2.69)

Coupons Used:

OOP 3.03
3.00 catalina (Reach)

Target Transaction:

  • 4 degree travel deodorants .97 ea
  •  2 waterbabies sunscreen .99
  •  2 banana boat sport .97

Coupons Used:

OOP: $0

Stop & Shop Transaction:

  • (2)Arm and Hammer crystal burst plus oxi clean tablets – bogo (6.49)

Coupons Used:

  • had a peelie for try one free

OOP: $0

Be sure to check out the ShopRite, Stop & Shop & Target for the week. And be sure to check the LRWC Coupon Database to find any of the coupons listed here.

Enter the Reader Shopping Trip Giveaway: If you have a shopping trip you want to share, find out how to enter it into the $100 Store Gift Card Giveaway!

LRWC Reader Grocery Savings Counter: Be sure to add your weekly grocery savings to the the LRWC Reader Grocery Savings Counter below. You can check out the counter in the sidebar to see how much we have all saved so far in 2012!

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