Giveaway: Coupons, Coupons and MORE COUPONS!!

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5/13 Smart Source & 5/13 P&G Brand Saver Circulars Giveaway

We have a fun giveaway here, thanks to one of our readers, Matthew!  He sent me six of the 5/13 Smart Source circulars and six of the 5/13 P&G Brand Saver circulars!  Whoohoo!!!

We will pick 2 (two) winners and each winner will receive 3 (three) of each of the circulars

Here are some of the great coupons that are included:

  • Johnsonville $1/1
  • Hidden Valley Farmhouse Originals Dressing $1/1
  • Tide $1/1
  • Clairol hair color $2/1
  • Land O Lakes Cheese $1/1
  • Reynolds Wrap Foil $.75/1
  • French’s Mustard $.75/1

Now for the fun details… because Matthew is a BIG New York Rangers fan we have to ask, who are you routing for?  Rangers or Devils? Choosing the Devils will have no impact on the winner of the giveaway because according to Matthew, “if a NJ Devils Fan wins the giveaway, I would be happy knowing the inserts went to a fellow coupon friend, even if they are a stinky NJ Devils fan.” 😉

Here are the Official Giveaway Rules:

How to Enter:

  1. Leave a comment below letting us who you are routing for – the Rangers or the Devils!

You must supply a valid email address. Email addresses should be put in the private field and not in the public comment box.

  • All entries must be left in the comments of this site only. Facebook comments or emails will not count as a giveaway entry.
  • The giveaway ends on Friday, May 25th at 10 pm EST.  No entries will be counted after that time frame.
  • All entrants must be at least 18 years old and reside in the United States.
  • Winners will be chosen at random. Due to the holiday weekend, winners will be notified on Tuesday, 5/29 via email. Winners must respond with mailing address within 36 hours or another winner will be chosen.
  • Be sure to add ([email protected]) to your contacts or check your spam folders at the end of the giveaway.

DO NOT CHECK THE “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail”!

A big thank you to Matthew for providing this giveaway.

644 thoughts on “Giveaway: Coupons, Coupons and MORE COUPONS!!”

  1. Ashley Alexander says:


  2. Sue says:

    The Rangers, woohooo!!

  3. Stephanie Cornelius says:


  4. All4Savings says:


  5. Galyl Gonzalez says:

    New York Rangers

  6. anita says:

    I’m a BIG Rangers fan…but gotta say that I miss the guys from the 90’s- Messier, Beukeboom, Graves, Leetch, Richter, Domi, Amonte, etc…. hoping they win on NJ ice just to make it sting a bit more…lol (& i’m from NJ!)

  7. Beth says:


  8. Jenise says:

    Rangers…..I am a new yorker all the way

  9. Michelle Everhart says:


  10. Laura says:

    Go ranger!!

  11. Nina says:

    Its the NY Rangers for me! Devil may care?! lol

  12. Kierstin says:


  13. stacy says:


  14. amy says:

    RANGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LGR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Laura says:

    Go rangers!!

  16. Jana says:

    Go Rangers!

  17. June says:


  18. Avalon says:

    Always rooted for the Rangers. We’re originally from NY so there was never any doubt. Even after moving to NJ, we stay true.

  19. Johnna Willman says:


  20. Stephanie griffith says:


  21. Amanda says:

    My hubby and I are voting for the Rangers!!! Woohoo, go Rangers!!

  22. Angie says:

    Devils!! and a whole lot of fun hockey fights 🙂

  23. Susan Hallwachs says:


  24. Sean says:


  25. Rose Mary Petraglia says:

    I am not a stinky NJ Devils fan. GO RANGERS!

  26. Noreen Carradini says:

    Since I live in Jersey you would think I would be routing for the Devils. Well you are right. The Devils are the only Jersey team I route for. I have been following them since the 80’s. When my sister and I were little my parents always took us to all of the Devils home games that they played against the Rangers

  27. JoAnna says:


  28. Debbie Martino says:

    RANGERS !!!!!!!

  29. Jessie Guzman says:

    Go Rangers!!!!

  30. Kristine says:

    OMG I am so outnumbered here, but NJ Devils for the last 20 years since my first hockey game!!! I am a diehard Devils fan!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Jo says:

    Go Devils! 🙂 WOO HOO!!

  32. Terry Weyland says:

    Devils…………. I like the name I’m from Kansas.

  33. virgeni says:


  34. Lisa Benvenuta says:


  35. melissa says:


  36. Mary says:


  37. tara c says:

    I don’t follow hockey, but I DO LOVE INSERTS!! Soooo, devils it is! 🙂

  38. Shannon says:


  39. Laura says:


  40. Holly says:

    Not a hockey fan… but I think my hubs would go for the RANGERS!

  41. Dana says:

    Rangers because the Devils beat the FLYERS!

  42. Jill says:

    I don’t like either team but would love to win some coupons!

  43. Jody says:

    NJ Devils!!

  44. Meredith says:

    Devils in support of my husband matt a lifelong devils fan

  45. Lizzie says:

    Diehard Ranger fan right here for the past 18 years!!!

  46. Beckie says:

    Rangers!! Got my #35 Jersey back in ’92!

  47. мαмι χυℓαн says:


  48. marisajane says:

    Rangers all the way! Woohoo! We can do it! 🙂

  49. Erin says:

    I don’t follow sports…but if I had to choose I’d say Rangers for Matthew’s sake.

  50. Christi B says:


  51. Amy says:

    Brooklyn girl, stuck living in nj. RANGERS

  52. Cyndi says:


  53. Susan says:

    Rangers fan all the way!

  54. Andrea says:

    As a NY resident Im definitely rooting for the Rangers!!!!

  55. Lizzie says:

    Let’s Go RANGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love my blueshirts!

  56. Melissa says:


  57. Fifi says:

    King Henrik and the Rangers! I love hockey and watch all the teams but always loved the Rangers since my brother was an Islanders fan. They better step it up tonight! GO RANGERS!!!!


  59. Laura G says:


  60. Michelle says:


  61. Jill says:

    Devils i think 🙂 eeeek!

  62. Tat says:


  63. Heather says:


  64. KitKat says:

    Matt, I’m sorry but DEVILS!!!

  65. Donna kiever says:

    I Live for the REd White and Blue !!! GOOOOOOOO Rangers !!!!!

  66. Nicole says:

    Rangers, since the Devils eliminated my Flyers!

  67. Akku says:

    Of course rangers are the best!

  68. Kristi says:


  69. Peg says:

    Rangers and Matthew thanks for the giveaway!!! WOOT!!!

  70. Brittany Wilson says:


  71. Sha says:


  72. Jill says:

    Oh yes Rangers!!

  73. Kristy H. says:


  74. Laura M says:


  75. carmen says:


  76. Cecilia says:


  77. Kahyla says:

    Yeah Rangers!

  78. marie says:

    Jersey Devils!! TY

  79. Kim says:

    I’m a full fledged Jersey girl so Devils all the way!!

  80. bonnie says:


  81. liz says:


  82. Stefanie says:


  83. AllieB says:

    Gotta be the Rangers!!!!!!

  84. Kim says:

    Devils I think the name is cool 🙂 Not a huge hockey fan though, if this was football it’d be a whole different story! LOL

  85. courtney says:

    I say the Devils but my dad and sister say Rangers!!

  86. Amy T. says:


  87. ashley says:


  88. BL says:

    Devils although an Islanders fan

  89. jenna getz says:

    devils allllllll the way

  90. Carol B says:

    Neither. Sorry. 🙂

  91. Desiree says:


  92. Cortney says:

    Please don’t pick me, I actually have enough of these inserts for my own use…just wanted to say GO DEVILS (as a NY-er, too ;D)

  93. Nichole W says:

    Im not much of a sports fan but Being from NY I HAVE to say NY Rangers!!

  94. Juli says:

    Definitely the Rangers!

  95. Julie B says:


  96. Kim says:

    Go Rangers!!!!

  97. Anonymous says:

    Rangers baby!!!!

  98. robi says:

    Devils in 7

  99. Jeanne says:

    Rangers S:) 🙂 K, but thanks for the Q’s!

  100. Carol Dasjus says:

    Sorry from N.J. Devils!!!!!!

  101. Erin says:

    Devils! It’s my son- he’s 5 & loves the “devil guy” so those are the hockey games we go see!!

  102. Leigh Ann says:

    Devils baby all the way!!!!!!! My Marty and his boys are going to bring the Cup home to Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!

  103. Shannon says:


  104. Jen D says:

    Not a huge hockey fan but I’m gonna have to say Devils!

  105. Kirsten says:

    Rangers! 🙂

  106. Karen says:

    Rangers all the WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  107. E.Creager says:


  108. Sabine says:

    Gotta go rangers since I live in NY!! Home team support!

  109. anna says:


  110. Suzanne says:

    My husband is a HUGE Rangers fan, even has a Rangers tattoo-so I guess Go Rangers!!!!

  111. Josian says:

    Devils, NJ for Sure

  112. Beth G. says:


  113. DMC says:


  114. Alison says:

    The Devils! My father in law would be so proud to hear me say that 🙂

  115. Victoria says:


  116. Chrissy says:

    Even though I haven’t followed them as closely as I used to, I’m still rooting for the Rangers….My Dad was a season ticket holder and loved them! So Rangers all the way!!!

  117. Kristin says:

    The Rangers. As a Flyers fan, I refuse to cheer for the Devils!

  118. mEG bITENCA says:

    RANGERS! Let’s go Rangers Let’s go!!!

  119. DawnD says:

    Let’s go Devils!!! Bring the cup back to Jersey!

  120. Cindy says:

    Devils all the way …..

  121. Eileen says:

    My family is split (I have no allegience). Brother = Rangers, Sister = Islanders (Yeah, I know!)

  122. Lisa Banda says:

    Go Rangers!!!

  123. pat says:

    I’m a Jersey girl…partial to the Devils!

  124. Amy Cocheo says:


  125. Michelle says:


  126. ken lake says:

    <——— Rangers fan here!!

  127. dee says:

    also not a hockey fan I guess the

  128. Jennifer B. says:

    Go Devils!!

  129. Bridget Merker says:

    Rangers – they were my team a long time ago. Since I am now a Flyers fan I can’t route for the Devils!

  130. Kt says:

    Rangers are going to take it tonight at home but it may go to Game 7. What an exciting match-up though!

  131. Lar says:

    Since the Pens got out early! Go Rangers!

  132. Elizabeth Kelly says:

    I have been routing for the Devils ever since my Flyers got knocked out.

  133. Aida says:

    Not a sports fan… but can I say Rangers just to enter the contest?? lol

  134. pooja ravindran says:

    go rangers………..!

  135. jess p says:

    Well unfortunately we are all Flyers fans in this house and so I’m not sure yet who I am going to be cheering for but I do LOVE hockey and we’re watching the series.

  136. cheryl manna says:

    Devils!!!!! Proud to support the the 3 time Stanley Cup champs.

  137. Steph says:

    As my 2 year old says, “Demis, Demis doot doot do do doot!”

  138. Yvonne says:

    Our house is divided. I’m routing for the Devils, while my husband is routing for the Rangers. Go DEVILS!

  139. Giovanna says:

    Definitely the Devils! Go Devils!

  140. nicole costa says:

    DEVILS …

  141. Wendy says:

    Rangers for sure!!

  142. Holly says:

    Devils Baby!!!

  143. Tonya Martin says:

    I’m with Aida…I’ll go with the Rangers:)

  144. Ashley says:

    Definitely rooting for Devils! I’m really hoping they can bring home the Cup this year! 🙂

  145. Gabrielle says:


  146. nancy says:

    rangers!!! been rooting for them for a long time.

  147. sheryl harris says:

    new jersey devils all the way!

  148. laura says:

    Go Rangers!!!!!!!!!!!

  149. Jesssica says:


  150. Carol Dasjus says:


  151. Janice says:

    Sorry but as growing up a Philly girl, you can never root for a NY team, so I am rooting for NJ DEVILS!!!!!

  152. Susan says:

    To be honest, I’m a Flyers girl. My son is a Rangers fan, so I guess to keep the peace in the family, I’m going to have to take the Rangers.

  153. Stacy says:

    Let’s GO RANGERS

  154. Lesley says:

    I am cheering for the Rangers..simply because my boyfriend is a Ranger’s fan. Hey, he helps me coupon, so liking his favorite team is a good compromise!! =)

  155. Melanie says:

    Rangers of course!

  156. Holly says:

    Since I am a Jersey girl I guess I should route the devils! 🙂

  157. diana says:

    Devils all the way!

  158. Robin W says:


  159. Renea says:

    Stars fan here! But if I have to choose between Rangers and Devils, then it is Rangers!

  160. rena liquori says:

    rangers all the way

  161. Vicki B says:

    Been a rangers fan since forever so gotta go for it!

  162. Linda Hughes says:

    Rangers all the way to the stanley cup!!!! 🙂

  163. Sandy Barker says:


  164. Tina Kaplan says:

    Can I say neither since the Devils knocked out my Flyers and I can’t bring myself to cheer any NY team? LOL

  165. sherry says:

    RangerS!!!!!! WOOT-WOOT 🙂

  166. Leah says:

    The Rangers.

  167. Susan See says:


  168. Jen says:

    Go Go Rangers!

  169. Sunil says:

    Jersey’s here … Devils all the way !!

  170. April S says:

    Defintely Devils!

  171. Pamela says:

    Being a New York gal…
    RANGERS all the wayyyyy! 😉

  172. Jenny says:

    Rangers 🙂

  173. Kelly A. says:

    Go Rangers!!!

  174. Jill says:

    Gooooo Rangers!!

  175. Karyn S says:

    Since I consider myself a lil ‘Devil’ I’m gonna have to say Devils!!!! lol

  176. Debra says:


  177. Chrissy says:

    I would have to say Rangers since I live in NY. I am not a big hockey fan, but I am a HUGE fan of coupons!!

  178. Stephanie says:

    Devils!!! NJ born and raised 🙂

  179. Paula Brown says:

    Is actually a flyers fan lol,,, But in this case I will be routing for the DEVILS since my daughter loves them!!!!!

  180. masiel says:


  181. Jayme B. says:

    Rangers. 🙂

  182. J. says:

    Lets go Devils!!!!!!!

  183. Lynda K says:

    Rangers, however I’m not a sports fan… I am a coupon fan! And so are the charities I support with my couponing.

  184. Shannon says:

    Let’s go Rangers!!!

  185. jen says:

    To be honest not really a hockey fan…but would have to say Devils. Sorry Matthew..but thanks for the opportunity!!!!

  186. Chris says:

    The devils!!

  187. Violet says:

    I LOVE my red and white-Devils all the way baby!!

  188. Nicole Mac says:

    RANGERS!! NY!!!

  189. Barb says:

    Rangers all the way!

  190. Shannon says:

    Devils for sure! Thanks for this giveaway!

  191. Genn V says:


  192. Nathalie says:

    RANGERS !!!!!

  193. Carla says:

    Well.. since the Devils beat the Fly-guys, I’m gonna have to go with the Rangers!

  194. patricia webb says:

    Rangers all the wayyyyyyyyyyy.

  195. Karen says:


  196. Debbie M says:

    Rangers baby all the way!!!! Thank you Matthew for your generosity!!! You rock!!!

  197. Donna M says:

    Devil’s for me !!!!!

  198. Diana says:

    Go Rangers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  199. Robin says:

    Go NJ Devils!

  200. Allison says:

    Thanks for the giveaway, Matthew…. but I’m a Devils fan!

  201. michelleb says:

    Sorry Jersey peoples. I have always been a Rangers fan.

  202. Kat says:


    1. Kat says:

      DEVILS ALL THE WAY !!!!!!!

  203. Heather says:


  204. Kristen says:

    Let’s go RANGERS!!

  205. MichelleK says:

    Rangers all the way…can’t root for a Jersey team (No offense to anyone from NJ, but you know how it is I’m sure!!)

  206. Lisa says:


  207. Debsup says:

    Rangers all the way baby!!!!

  208. Joanna says:

    Our house is full of Ranger fans!! We had our son’s Smurf-day party last saturday at the same time as the incredible winning game 3. My nails were painted Smurf/Ranger blue. It was great that the bouncy house we rented was red, white and blue, too!

  209. jennb says:

    I live in Jersey but think the Rangers are cuter…Go Rangers! lol

  210. sylvia nieves says:

    Rangers woo hoo!

  211. Leah says:

    GO DEVILS!!!!

  212. rachael says:


  213. Jessica says:

    Rangers all the way!!!

  214. MARY says:

    If I HAVE to chose between them, I would have to go with a the Jersey Devils. Much prefer Flyers though!

  215. Erin says:

    Go Devils!!!!

  216. Brenda Wynn says:


  217. CE says:

    NY Rangers!!!

  218. Colleen says:

    devils! and i could really use those coupons, since i forgot to get mine last week! =) thank you!!

  219. Joan K says:

    Rangers all the way.

  220. Lauren says:


  221. jill says:


  222. Su says:

    Well, honestly, I don’t know what/who either are…so, I’ll route for whoever you like :0)
    And….I would love to win coupons.
    But, if I must pick, I’d say Devils(I just like the name).

  223. Mary says:

    can I be a little contrary, and say get ’em next year Flyers?

  224. Melissa says:


  225. Alyson says:

    Rangers! (Because my husband, a Caps fan, makes funny Grrr faces when I root for them. Hehehehe)

  226. chung says:

    the Rangers

  227. roni says:

    Devil’s fan all the way!!!! Could use the coupons to do some “sinfully” good couponing!

  228. Kim says:

    If I had to choose one it would probably be the Devils

  229. kerry says:

    New York RANGERS <3

  230. Megan says:

    Rangers for sure!

  231. Go NJ DEVILS!!!!! I worked at an MRI facility in NJ and would get the injured players at night to be scanned. Some of the players were nice enough to send autographed pictures to some of our very young patients and friends. Hope they Win!!!!!!

  232. Jocelyn A says:

    Rangers 🙂

  233. Paul says:

    Let’s say Rangers.

  234. Debbie says:

    Go, Rangers, go………….all the way!

  235. Erica says:


  236. sonya says:


  237. Cheri says:


  238. Heather says:

    Go Rangers!!

    Thank you Matthew!!

  239. biana says:

    I would go for NJ Devils.

  240. Nicole F. says:

    I’ve been a Devils fan since I was young, but my husband is a Rangers fan, so we have some competition going on in my house! Go Devils!!!

  241. Casey B says:

    Matthew, I’m so, so sorry but: Go Devils! And, thank you!

  242. Tracy says:


  243. Chris says:

    I’m a Leafs fan lol but, for this I want the NJ Devils to win.

  244. Mindful says:

    One and only Rangers!!!

  245. Robin says:

    Sorry but I don’t care either way – but I’ll say Rangers just to make Matthew happy! Thanks

  246. julisa says:


  247. Kabby says:


  248. Tabitha says:

    If I have to choose I’ll go with the Devils, but I’m a true Flyers fan! 🙂

  249. Marsha says:

    The Rangers, of course!!!

  250. Ed says:


  251. Anonymous says:

    Rangers cuz that is my kids favorite team, I guess because of the colors they just love wearing the merchandise… So I kinda have to side with them or it will be a million and one questions why I like a different team, not that I really watch lol

  252. Jennifer says:

    Ummm…. Go with the Rangers, I let my boys’ pick which one they liked and sided with them!

  253. Michelle T. says:

    Have to say Devils, since I’m in Jersey 🙂

  254. Kim says:

    While I am not a NATIVE New Yorker…I lived there long enough to know the answer is GO RANNNNGERS!

  255. Anja says:


  256. Debbie says:

    I am routing for the Rangers!! Let’s go RANGERS!!

  257. Leng L says:


  258. joan says:

    I’m loyal. Jersey Devils.

  259. Jen says:

    I’m a Jersey girl…Devils!!!

  260. Brooke says:

    I have been a New York Ranger fan since I was an embryo!! I even had to upgrade my cable package to watch the playoff games … and there wasn’t a coupon lol! Let’s go Lundqvist!!!!!!

  261. Stephanie says:


  262. Zinnia says:


  263. Heather Ann says:

    A Rangers fan who desperately needs coupons >^..^<

  264. Kevin says:

    Devils baby!

  265. Karen says:

    The Rangers have GOT TO WIN!!! My husband is a long suffering fan and it has been before our youngest was born that they last won the Stanley Cup!! It has been TOO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO RANGERS!!!

  266. Crissy Hartnett says:

    Rangers despite my bunny’s feelings 🙂

  267. britt b. says:


  268. Pat says:

    I have to go with the Rangers -New York’s Toughest -Red White and Blue all the way baby!!!

  269. Dee says:


  270. karenm says:

    Rangers, in honor of Matthew. 🙂 Thank you!

  271. Cheryl says:

    Being from NJ I have to go with the Devils.

  272. barbara says:

    go go Devils

  273. Melissa says:


  274. linda says:

    Definitely rangers!

  275. Jennifer Black says:

    Jersey girl ( by marriage) says Go DEVILS!

  276. Ashley Donn says:


  277. Jaime says:


  278. Samantha says:


  279. Laura H says:

    Rangers! Rangers

  280. Peggy says:


  281. Leslie says:


  282. Chelsea says:

    GO RANGERS!!!! 🙂

  283. sjrdy says:

    thank you let go rangers

  284. Kristi says:


  285. Becky says:

    I root for my hometeam…..the Cleveland Lumberjacks. LOL.
    But…..I would root for the NJ Devils in this case. I like their Jerseys.

  286. Suzanne says:

    I am a Flyers fan. This is an extremely tough call. I would have to lean towards the Rangers because the Devils are evil. BTW, I’m from New Jersey, so none of what I wrote make any logical sense…ah, such is the conundrum of living so close to Philly!

  287. Kristine says:


  288. Rotor says:

    Rangers all the way!

  289. Annabelle says:

    Go Rangers!

  290. Roro says:

    Rangers all the way

  291. Catherine Shaw says:


  292. Michelle W says:

    I will pick the Rangers, apparently thats the better one! Since Matthew is a Ranger fan & giving away these coupons, Rangers all the way!! Remember our HEROES & send your expired & extra coupons!! THANKS MATTHEW!!

  293. Roro says:

    Rangers all the way!

  294. Stephanie says:

    Rangers all the way!!!!!!! Woohoo!!

  295. Cheri C. says:

    Rangers! Thanks for the chance to win extra coupons.

  296. Wendy Pinsky says:

    Devils…I married a NJ fan soooo I have to follow his team or else I don;t know what the heck is going on!!!

  297. tiffany says:

    Rangers :]

  298. George Marchione says:


  299. Amy Delmanto says:

    Not a hockey fan so neither!

  300. Michelle says:

    Die hard Rangers Fan!!!! Let’s go Rangers!! Better win Game 5 tonite 🙂

  301. Debra Maines says:

    GO DEVILS!!!

  302. Kim D. says:

    Even though I’m a New Yorker I am a born and raised Devils fan! I never heard the end of it when I lived in Manhattan for a few years lol. My first hockey game was a Rangers/Devils game on Easter Sunday when I was a kid 😀

  303. Jamie Jewell says:

    RANGERS!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  304. Prudence says:

    I am originally from New York….Rangers it is!

  305. Cheryl Murnane says:

    Rangers all the way.

  306. Jen says:

    I’ll go with the Rangers!

  307. Beth says:


  308. Maddelena says:

    NY Rangers

  309. Cheryl says:


  310. Kathy says:

    Devils, Would love to see Adam Oates win this round so he can win the Cup as a coach. Since he never won a Cup as a player

  311. Joanne Feliciano says:

    NJ Devils!!!!

  312. Kate says:

    I don’t follow sports to be able to pick, but I love some coupons!! I’ll go with whichever is the Jersey team. lol

  313. Liz says:

    Go Devils!!!

  314. Linda says:


  315. debbie b says:


  316. Colleen says:

    Being from Philly, we have to go with the Devils, as the Rangers are our archenemies 🙂

  317. James says:


  318. Michelle says:

    Born and raised in Jersey, Devils all the way!

  319. pam says:

    YEAH! RANGERS!!! We’re a family of hockey players. My daughter was the first girl hockey player in her school. She is marrying a guy from New Jersey…uh oh…. but I think he pulls for the Flyers!

  320. Shirley says:

    I’ve been in NJ all my life I have to for the Devils just like I always stand behind the Jets!!!

  321. Kelly says:


  322. Vanessa says:


  323. Kris says:

    FLYERS!!! I’m in South Jersey. Okay, so they already lost to the devils…but I just can’t root for either the Rangers or Devils as such… 🙂

  324. Crystal says:

    I don’t really follow hockey, but one of my friends like the DEVILS!

  325. Wendy says:

    Go Devils…go go Go Devils!!!!

    hmmmm….that sounds weird.

  326. Larrina says:

    Go rangers!

  327. Shell Holland says:

    The Rangers!

  328. kat says:

    Devils…and thanks Matthew!

  329. Adrienne says:

    Hmmm I say flyers!

  330. Alison says:

    Go Devils!

  331. lachelle says:


  332. Pam G says:

    Only rangers fans here! My 2 year old cheers for Henry every game!

  333. Melissa B. says:


  334. Jennifer J says:

    As a fellow New Yorker, i’ll have to go with the Rangers

  335. Shell says:

    Gotta be loyal to the NY team – so, the Rangers get my vote!

  336. Liana says:

    Definitely, RANGERS! And I could use the inserts from 5/13 I didn’t get my Sunday Paper last week!

  337. bobbi says:

    i am not a sports fan, but i am a huge couponing fan!

  338. Alexandra says:

    The Devils!

  339. Kimberly says:

    NJ Devils all the way!

  340. Maria says:

    The Rangers, hubbie wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂

  341. Nancy says:

    GO DEVILS!!! My 15 year old daughter is their biggest fan, and the rest of the family can’t wait to see the Devils playing in this year’s Stanley Cup Final!

  342. Maritza says:

    Hubby- Go Rangers…Me I’m a Devil.

  343. sq says:

    not into ice hockey…but am into coupons…
    thank you.

  344. Liz says:


  345. micah youmans says:

    I would have to say the rangers…

  346. Ellen says:

    Devils of course!

  347. Erin says:

    I’m actually a Canucks fan, but as I live in New Jersey – I’d love to see the Devil’s win!!!

  348. Tiffany Smith says:

    Go Rangers!

  349. kelley says:


  350. felice says:

    totally not a sports fan, so not rooting for anyone – does that disqualify me from the drawing??

  351. Nicole Alfano says:

    Definitely Rangers!!!! 🙂

  352. Katrice says:

    Not a hockey fan, but I am a coupon fan! If I have to pick a team, I would choose Rangers.

  353. Su J says:


  354. Barbara says:

    Rangers or Devils, so they can be beat buy The Kings!!

    GO KINGS!!!!

  355. AA says:

    Not a hockey fan but coupons….. YEAH!!!!!!

  356. Heather says:

    I’m a Jersey girl, born and raised, so definitely the Devils!

  357. Haseena says:

    Not a hockey fan, but since I live in NY, I’ll go with the Rangers!

  358. Dlila says:


  359. Dlila says:


  360. Dlila says:

    go devils!

  361. Joseph Larnaitis says:

    Lets Go Devils!

  362. claudia ortiz says:

    Rangers and i love to be the winner for the coupons.

  363. patti says:


  364. cindi says:

    devils, though im not watching lol

  365. Veronica says:

    Devils! I’m a Jersey girl.

  366. Kathy C says:

    Devils, of course!

  367. Josh says:

    Rangers! I am a New Yorker!

  368. Kami says:

    The Rangers!!

  369. Crystal says:

    Neither, but I love coupons!!!!

  370. Vernetta says:


  371. Terri says:


  372. Julie C. says:


  373. Jessie says:

    Don’t care at all about hockey, but I am a coupon fan. Hope that’s good enough 🙂

  374. cat says:


  375. Monique says:


  376. Dominique says:

    GOOOOO Rangers!

  377. Jennifer says:

    NY Rangers !!!!

  378. Sheila Ringresssy says:


  379. Andrea says:

    Rangers! Thanks for giving away inserts!!

  380. Sheila Ringresssy says:

    Go DEVILS! !

  381. Evan says:

    Since my local team–the Blue Jackets–really seem to stink, I’ll vote for the Rangers!

  382. Liz Harwood says:

    Totally Devils

  383. Coupon Addict says:

    Go Devils Baby!

  384. Terry says:

    Hooray! Rangers!!

  385. Stephanie M says:

    Rangers, of course!

  386. Danielle says:


  387. Kara says:

    Go Devils!

  388. pam says:


  389. Pat Croteau says:


  390. betloves2coupon says:

    Devils are Red
    Rangers are Blue
    Lets go Rangers
    Its all up to YOU!!!

  391. Rose C. says:


  392. christina says:


  393. Ruth says:

    Go Devils Go!!!

  394. Sarah says:

    Rangers, 100%!

  395. Heather says:

    Rangers!!!!!! 🙂

  396. Debbie says:

    living in a house divided with two Rangers fans and two Devils fans, I remain neutral and will be forever happy for the winning team….
    I am just the couponing mom trying to keep the family budget in check!

  397. Heather says:

    I’m going with the devils all the way!

  398. Frances says:


  399. Cathy says:


  400. Kathy says:


  401. Kathie says:

    Devils…..all the way…

  402. judy adgate says:


  403. brooke says:


  404. Robin S says:

    NJ Devils!! I’m a Jersey girl lol!

  405. Rose clark says:

    As I write this my husband left Connecticut for new have train then into grand central we are season tickets holders to the rangers as a matter of fact we sold our second for three hundred dollars which my husband got in free tonight plus made thirty dollars which pays for the train. So we are ranger fans.

  406. Danielle says:


  407. Jill says:


  408. Suehaidi says:

    Nj devils all the way

  409. erica says:

    Devils! Parise is a cutie patootie, even if he is injured!

  410. darlene says:

    Go Rangers!

  411. liba says:

    go rangers!

  412. Hajar Collica says:

    Rangers of course!!!!

  413. Christine Pappas says:


  414. Laura S says:

    rangers!! & im from new york =]

  415. Melissa says:

    I don’t follow pro hockey, but I live in Jersey so I guess I’m for the Devils.

  416. Rebeca says:

    Go NJ Devils!

  417. Nadyme says:

    I have to cheer for the Devils, originally from NJ but living in PA.!!!

  418. Cheryl says:

    Jersey girl – go devils!

  419. Tina C. says:

    Well since the Flyers are out of it then, between the 2 teams left, may the best team win!

  420. Christina says:

    NJ Devils!!!

  421. Christina says:

    I’m a Jersey girl so, NJ Devils!!!

  422. Ann Connors says:

    Go Rangers! My husband would kill me if I said otherwise.

  423. Pam says:

    I asked my 6 year old grandson Trey his advise. Trey is a hockey player. His answer was the NJ Devils. Sorry Matthew. I have to go with my grandson! But, I still love coupons. 🙂

  424. Jennifer says:


  425. Cathy says:


  426. Jen Schwester says:

    Devils…most def!

  427. Katherine Nanna says:


  428. ladybugladysl says:

    while I am originally from the DC area and the capitals are my team, I am cheering for my new home state team…devils!!

  429. Ann K says:


  430. LindsayG says:


  431. Janeen says:

    Go Devils…Brodeur is amazing!!!

  432. RC says:

    NJ Devils

  433. jenn says:

    Ill go for the rangers.. whichever team will coupons

  434. Anonymous says:

    R-A-N-G-E-R-S!!!!! King Henrik!!!

  435. Stephanie says:

    R-A-N-G-E-R-S!!!!!!!!!!!!!! King Henrik!!!!

  436. Jenn says:

    Devils…I’m a Jersey girl!

  437. Ivette says:

    Go Devils!!!

  438. Theresa says:


  439. kim says:


  440. Kenline says:

    Go NJ Devils! Good Luck to both teams… And a BIG thanks to Matthew for the giveaway!

  441. yolanda says:

    Go DEVILS!?!!!!!!

  442. Lisa B. says:

    GO DEVILS!!!

  443. Kristine says:


  444. Mo says:

    Since the Bruins are out…I jumped in the Devils wagon! LOL

  445. Suzie says:

    My grandfather shaped me to be a Rangers fan from the age of 7. Almost 18 years later I’m still a die hard Rangers fan!

  446. lisa D says:

    i’m hoping for the rangers

  447. Anita says:

    Since I have no clue about either team, I will pick the Rangers.

  448. Kaycee says:

    Lets Go Rangers!!!!

  449. Nancy says:


  450. Ruchi says:

    devils! devils!!

  451. Becky says:


  452. Kristina Shepard says:


  453. Jessy says:

    of course NJ Devils!!!

  454. Thabal says:

    I have no idea about what it is, I might as well choose Rangers.

  455. Lisa says:

    As the saying goes one for all and all for one…my son Matthew is a Rangers fan which makes us all Rangers Fans.

  456. Jessica says:


  457. andrea says:

    As a new yorker I have to go with the Rangers.

  458. Jennifer says:

    Since I’m actually a flyers fan and can’t pick them….I’ll have to go with the stinky Devils.

  459. Joanna says:

    grew up in jersey, so i have to say Devils!

  460. Anonymous says:

    let’s go rangers!

  461. Melinda says:

    let’s go rangers!

  462. Cheryl S says:


  463. Stacey D says:

    NY Rangers!! All the way. 🙂

  464. Jennifer says:

    DEVILS! there is a size 3T Devils Jersey my oldest daughter wore at age 3. She’s now 15 and my youngest daughter age 4 is now wearing it! Yay devils

  465. elizabeth says:


  466. Sandy says:

    Go Rangers!!!

  467. Stephanie says:

    Nj Devils… Sorry Jersey Girl here!

  468. LWong says:

    Go Rangers!

  469. Andrea C. says:


  470. Brian Murphy says:

    Rangers !

  471. Carol S says:

    Go Rangers!

  472. Jill says:

    The Devils! I’ve only been to one game in my life…and it was fun!

  473. Shannon says:

    Absolutely, definitely Rangers!! (even though unfortunately they just lost)

  474. SidTheBat says:

    BRUINS 4 LIFE :)~

  475. JHurst says:

    Go Rangers!!!!

  476. rosa says:

    Don’t really care who wins. I love the Flyers !!!!

  477. miyoshi osorio says:


  478. TJ says:


  479. Rachel says:

    Rangers all the way!!!

  480. Karen says:

    I’m not the biggest hockey fan, but I’d go with the Rangers.

  481. Dana says:

    NJ Devils!

  482. NancyB says:

    I just happen to be a true new yorker and a NY Rangers fan!!! And let’s not forget, a HUGE COUPON FAN!!!

  483. MomofFour says:


  484. WENDY says:

    Rangers. Period. 😀

  485. kristen says:

    New York RANGERS!!!!!

  486. Krista says:

    Devils all the way ! 🙂

  487. charlie says:


  488. jenane says:


  489. esma says:

    NY Rangers, even though I have a feeling the Devils will win….

  490. Mayra Villalobos says:

    NJ Devils!!

  491. inase says:

    New jersey devils 😉

  492. Brenda says:

    Devils all the way!!!!!

  493. Brenda says:

    Let’s Go Devils!!!!!

  494. Brenda Liz says:

    Brouder, Parise, Elias, zajac …….. need I say more! Devils!!!!!!

  495. Barbara A says:

    Sorry Matthew I am more of a Devils fan than a Rangers fan. Mostly because I am from NJ but also because they have a better record in recent years and my quota for losing teams has been filled by the Mets. Thanks Matthew and Cindy.

    1. Rachael says:

      Devils 🙂 but only because I’m a brodeur fan

    2. Shelby Livingston says:

      I don’t really like either team, so I guess Rangers?

  496. Araceli says:


  497. mattie says:

    that would beeeeee Rangers…lol

  498. Evelyn says:

    Go…… Devils! We’re rooting for the Devils of course!

  499. Irene d. says:

    Even though I live if NJ, I’m still a Ranger fan. Lets hope they can pull out a victory in the next game.

  500. Katie Coupon says:

    Flyers!…oh wait, never mind…I guess I’ll pick the Rangers, never ever the Devils.

  501. Lisa Hart says:

    Go Rangers! And go Yankees! Sorry, force of habit.

  502. Michelle W says:

    Rangers for Matthew!! Thank you Matthew!! Remember Our Heroes & Send Your Expired or Extra Coupons!! Have A Safe & Wonderful Memorial Day!!

  503. elaine says:

    Rangers! 🙂

  504. susan k says:

    let’s go DEVILS!!!

  505. Dacia says:

    Hmmm…not really a hockey fan – do I still get a chance? Now talk baseball or football and I’d have an opinion. Of course, I guess I could say that I’m not a Devils fan – does that help my chances? 🙂

  506. Leanna says:

    Let’s Go Devils!!!!!

  507. Jodi says:

    Absolutely the Rangers!! GO RANGERS!!!!!

  508. Kevin C. says:


  509. Mike says:


  510. Kathy says:

    Devils all the way . Let’s go Devils

  511. Mary Killion says:


  512. Purvi says:

    We have been Devils fans for years so Let go DEVILS!

  513. Tara says:

    Go Rangers!!!!!!

  514. WJ says:


  515. Rebecca S. says:

    Not a hockey fan, but I’ll go with the devils 🙂

  516. Jason Chubb says:

    I am not a fan of Torts… so let’s go Marty and the Devils

  517. yazmin says:

    I am not a sports person , but my fiance is… he is a Rangers Fan 🙂

  518. JoAnn C. says:

    Clearly the Rangers. The upstart “Devils” will be defeated.

  519. Jen says:

    I have to say Rangers-can’t say the Devils they knock out my boys (Flyers)

  520. Lisa says:


  521. Sharon says:

    Always a Rangers fan…

  522. Andrea says:


  523. Jessica says:

    Sorry, what sport are we talking about??? Not a sports fan. I can’t even base my decission geographically, I live right in the middle of NY & NJ. You make this difficult!!! Guess I have to root for both teams. Here’s to a safe, fun game!!!

  524. tami says:

    um, hockey is/was going on?

  525. Heather says:

    Go Rangers!

  526. Nicole says:

    Gooooooo NY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  527. Claudia G says:

    Rangers all the way!!!!!

  528. Edyta says:


  529. Sara Coolidge says:


  530. Sandra K321 says:

    Have to go with the Rangers.

  531. Rubiela says:

    Rangers all the way baby!!!

  532. Karen says:

    Sorry Matt – But I have to go with the Devils, because my son is a huge Devils fan 🙂

  533. neysa says:

    I am a Rangers fan even though I live in NJ. Both teams have been doing great so far but I have hopes that the Rangers will be getting that beautiful cup…Rangers all the way!!!!

  534. Jessica says:

    NY Rangers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  535. Kathleen says:


  536. Renee says:

    Go Rangers, all the way!

  537. Devils or I may be divorced.

  538. Karen C says:

    I am a Flyers fan, but since my team was knocked out by the Devils, I am rooting for the Rangers..

  539. mary says:

    goooo devils!!!!!!

  540. Pati says:

    Go Rangers!

  541. Deborah Bartle says:

    Devils all the way. Sorry Matthew, lol.

  542. Cindy says:


  543. carolyn says:

    i’m all for the devils. no particular reason but the name is always fierce.

  544. Heather says:

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend.. (We are Flyers fans and since the Devils beat the Flyers) GOOOOOOOOOOOOO Rangers!!!

  545. Laurie A says:

    Being a football fan and not following hockey, eeny meeny miney mo says Rangers!

  546. ELLENA says:


  547. Jenna says:

    Devils! Devils! Devils!

  548. krystle lewis says:


  549. Jillian Cantor says:

    Come devils, this should be an easy freebie for you guys, just like coupons, clip them and move on!

  550. Debbie says:

    RANGERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  551. CHRIS LAROCQUE says:


  552. Amy says:

    LET’S GO DEVILS!!!!!!!

  553. Liz says:

    The Devils for my hubby!!

  554. Christine H says:


  555. Jenn h says:

    Let’s go RANGERS!

  556. Melissa says:

    Lets go Devils!!!

  557. glyniss says:

    R.A.N.G.E.R.S.. rangers..rangers

  558. Cheryl Shadwell says:

    NJ Devils only because I live in NJ.

  559. Cheryl says:

    Go Devils!

  560. Diane says:

    Not a big hockey fan,,,,,, but there is 103 days until Giants beat the Cowboys!!! 🙂

  561. amy says:

    Rangers !!!!!

  562. Debbie says:

    Im a NEW YORK GIRL!!!!! So therefore root for a new york team Go RANGERS!!

  563. Justine says:

    New Yorker here…Rangers all the way!!

  564. Carol S Brown says:

    I would say “Go Devils!”

  565. Curnisha says:

    Go Rangers!!!

  566. Sheri G says:


  567. Kelly says:

    Since I am a Pens fan, I can give thanks to the Devils for taking out the Flyers. Go Devils! Marty deserves another cup.

  568. Melana Findley says:


  569. Stacey says:

    well, i live in NJ so GO DEVILS!!

  570. Sandy says:


  571. Raquel says:

    Go Rangers!

  572. Tricia Damon says:

    Rangers 🙂

  573. Sarah says:


  574. Evelyn says:

    Go Rangers 😉

  575. Jennifer W says:

    Rangers!!! 🙂

  576. Sarah says:


  577. marianne says:

    Go Devils. I want to win any prize please.

  578. debbie Haggard says:

    live in Florida, hockey is not my sport, so either one.

  579. Liz says:


  580. Amy says:

    Rangers all the way baby!!!

  581. Cristal says:

    Devils all the way

  582. Debbie says:


  583. Mrs. T says:


  584. Roxane says:

    This is a NY Rangers household!!! Let’s Go RANGERS 🙂

  585. sharon says:


  586. Colleen says:

    Let’s Go Devil’s ….the only team that play’s in NJ and are called NJ Devil’s !!

  587. Sorry to say Matthew I am a Devils fan. I also root for the Mets!

  588. Rachel says:

    Rnagers, Rangers, Rangers!!! even if they do lose 🙁

  589. Christina says:

    Who are the rangers and/or the devils….lol!

  590. Maria says:

    I’m a transplanted New Yorker! The Rangers, go Rangers!!!

  591. Anonymous says:


  592. lineth says:

    thank you go rangers

  593. leeila says:


  594. Denise Beals says:

    I am a fellow NY’er so have to go with Rangers.

  595. Tara says:

    Go Rangers!

  596. Michele says:


  597. Mary says:

    Rangers all the way

  598. laura b says:


  599. Jen says:


  600. Tracey S says:

    Let’s go Rangers!!!

  601. Janine says:


  602. chantel temple says:


  603. EKB says:

    Rangers (yay NY!!)

  604. Rebekah says:


  605. Maronda says:

    I’m not a sports fan, but if I have to choose Rangers got Heads in the toss, so that is who I will pick. I just love coupons, LOL!

  606. Amanda says:

    the devils

  607. jessica B says:

    Let’s Go RANGERS!!!!

  608. Susan says:


  609. Jessica L says:

    Rangers 🙂

  610. tammy says:

    devils babiee!!!

  611. Kelly says:

    The Rangers!!

  612. vicki says:


  613. Annamarie Alonza says:


  614. Andrea Mehlhorn says:

    Ive never been a hockey fan, by will go with the devil’s, since they are the jersey team!

  615. Lisa says:

    RANGERS !!!!!!

  616. dorothy says:

    rangers go rangers go rangers go yes yes yes

  617. Bethany C. says:


  618. Olivia McNeil says:

    I am routing for the Rangers 🙂 Woohooo!!!!

  619. CHRISTINE says:

    GO RANGERS!!!!!!!!

  620. Heather says:

    Go Devils!

  621. Amy says:

    Rangers, of course!

  622. Kasia R says:

    I have my fingers crossed, and I am hoping for game 7. Rangers.

  623. Kim Boryczewski says:

    I’m routing for the Devils…..sorry 😉 but hoping for an fair, action packed series. May the best team win!

  624. Deanna Allen says:

    I really dont like hockey …but the hubs is a flyers fan so I will have to go rangers.

  625. dorothy says:

    rangers -rangers-rangers-go-go-go-win-win-win-yes-yes-yes.

  626. Stacy Smith says:

    Rangers whoo hoo…

  627. Sravani kambam says:


  628. debbie tyler says:

    Devils all the way

  629. Rhonda says:

    The Rangers!

  630. Laura says:

    Let’s go Devils!!!!!

  631. Dee Cindee says:


  632. talia says:

    Rangers because it would make my husband so happy if they won. He has been down lately with health issues..they things that make them happy…lol

  633. Leslie says:


  634. Janine says:


Comments are closed.