Staples: Couponing Sheet Protectors as low as $1.49

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Staples: Couponing Sheet Protectors as low as $1.49

Starting tomorrow, 4/15, Staples will have the Staples Brand Couponing Sheet Protectors only sale starting at $2.99.  Earlier in the week I posted the new 50% off Staples Brand Couponing Sheet Protectors Coupon.  So, you can score them for as low as $1.49 after coupon.

Here is your deal at Staples starting, 4/15:

Staples Brand Couponing Sheet Protectors Pack $2.99 – $3.99
50% off Staples Brand Couponing Sheet Protectors Coupon
as low as $1.49 each pack after coupon

If you don’t keep a full coupon binder, you can still use these to organize your printable coupons.

Thanks passionforsavings!