Earn Cash for your Child’s School

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Earn Cash For Your Child’s School

Remember to join Box Tops for Education to earn cash for your child’s school.  It’s one of the easiest way to help support your school by doing something you are already doing…shopping for groceries.

There are hundreds of participating products.  You simply cut out the Box Top label found on each product and send them to your child’s school.  The school will be able to redeem each Box Top for 10 cents.  It really does add up fast and last year, America’s schools earned over $49 million from Box Tops.

Also, now you can automatically earn eBoxTops for your school when you shop online at stores such as Lands’ End, Walmart and Barnes & Noble.

If you haven’t already done so, be sure to register above.  And on top of that you’ll also get emails with all the updated coupons.  Plus the best part is, Box Tops for Education coupons are usually higher value!