Food Lion Deals for the week of 12/21
Here are your Food Lion match ups thanks to A Frugal Chick
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Shedd’s Spread Country Crock 15 Ounce $2.50
Use $1/1 coupon from DEcember 2001 All You Magazine
$1.50 after coupon
Karo Syrup 16 Ounce $2.59
Use $40/1 coupon from 11/06/11 Smart Source
$2.19 after coupon
Hanover Cut Green Beans 50 Ounce $2.00
Use $1/2 coupon from 12/11/11 Red Plum
$1.50 each when you buy 2 after coupon
Carnation Evaporated Milk 10-12 Ounce $1.25
Use $0.50/2 coupon from 10/31/11 Red Plum
$1.00 each when you buy 2 after coupon
Coffee-mate Flavored Creamer 32 Ounce $3.00
$0.55/1 Nestle Coffee-Mate Liquid Creamer, exp. 1/31/12 (RP 10/30/11)
$0.55/1 Nestle Coffee-Mate Powder Creamer, exp. 1/31/12 (RP 10/30/11)
$2.95 each after coupon
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