**GONE**Reminder: Free $25 Amex Gift Card from FedEx Starts Today!

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Free $25 Amex Gift Card from FedEx today at 1 p.m. EST

Edited: Okay, I am very, very disappointed in the FedEx Gift Card offer. It seems that the “Free $25 Amex Gift Card” that they made such a big deal about is simply the registration for the $25 Amex Credit for Small Business Saturday. I think someone in their Marketing department needs to reconsider how they word their press releases. Very disappointed and I’m sorry to get everyone excited. I only posted what I read in a release.

Edited again:  Okay, something else may be happening but I can’t be sure at this point.  I’m not sure what to believe.  However, I am watching for you.  Here is what it says right now as of 1:21 pm EST

Hi all – we’re loading the registration for the Amex gift cards now – you will see the form very shortly – sorry for the delay!

Edited Again: Okay, it looks like some people are getting a gift card, I haven’t had luck but here is the direct link.  And, here is some info you will get in an email if you do get through:

Thanks for signing up to receive a $25 American Express(R)  Shop Small(SM) Gift Card, compliments of FedEx. Your registration is being processed, and you will receive the Gift Card in the mail. Please be on the lookout for a plain white, standard-sized envelope with a return address of Salt Lake City, UT, and an address header labeled “Do Not Discard.”


 Free $25 Amex Gift Card from FedEx 

or try this direct link:  Free $25 Amex Gift Card (thanks Melinda!)