New Target Coupons
There are 14 new Target Coupons available for back to school items. Remember you can stack manufacturer coupons with Target Coupons for even more savings.
- $5 off Select LeapFrog items
$5/1 LeapFrog Tag Junior Book Pal printable
- $3 off Play Wonder® girls’ doll
- $1 off Select Expo dry erase markers or Cleaner
- $5 off First Act Discovery acoustic guitar
- 75¢ off Nexcare bandages item
$1/1 Nexcare Tegaderm Transparent Dressings printable
- $1 off With purchase of two select 12-ct. Kraft snacking cheese
- $1 off 4- or 6-pk. Dannon Danimals yogurt smoothies
- $1 off With purchase of three greeting cards
- 50¢ off 12-ct. Elmer’s school glue sticks
- 75¢ off Five Star moveable tabbed dividers notebook
- $1 off With purchase of two select Oscar Mayer Lunchables
- 50¢ off Select 50-ct. Crayola items
- $5 off With purchase of three Cherokee® School Uniform apparel items
- 20% off Select Shaun White items