New Target Coupons
There are 8 new Target Coupons available. Remember you can stack manufacturer coupons with Target Coupons for even more savings.
- 20% off With purchase of two select kids’ 4-16 denim items
- $5 off Backpack with purchase of four Kellogg’s or Keebler items
- $1 off With purchase of two 6- or 8-ct. Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain cereal bars
- 50¢ off Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats snack item
- $1 off Windex electronics cleaner
$1/2 Windex Product, exp. 9/24/11 (SS 07/31/11)
- $1 off With purchase of two Shout laundry items
$0.55/1 Shout Product, exp. 8/21/11 (SS 07/10/11)
- $1 off With purchase of two select Pledge multi-surface cleaner and wipes
- $1 off With purchase of two Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning gels
FREE Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush Product wyb Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel, exp. 9/11/11 (SS 07/31/11)