LRWC Coupon Database: New Features
I just wanted to give you guys a heads up on a new feature on the LRWC Coupon Database. You can now report a coupon easily from the database. This feature was there before but it was not as easy as it is now.
You can report the following:
- No Longer Available
- Different Value in my Region
- Data Entry Error
- Duplicate
- Other
Here is how to report:
- On the left side of the database, next to the description, click on the small icon
- A box will pop up for the coupon you are reporting
- Pick the reason and add any description, if applicable.
- Submit Coupon
Also, the database will have the following notations next to the coupon information:
- Regional Coupons. The insert coupons in the database are taken from the Philadelphia Area. If a coupon is outside of that area, it will have an “R” next to the coupon date. For example, SS 06/19/11 R
- No Longer Available. Also, printables that are no longer available but haven’t yet expired have their link removed and are listed with NLA. For example, $1/1 Kraft Coupon (NLA)