Pathmark: More Free Items for Double Coupon Event

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Additional Pathmark Deals for Double Event

Here are some additional deals for the Double Coupon Event.  A big thank you to everyone for adding all there deals in the comments.  It is so helpful to everyone and I appreciate you taking the time to contribute your finds.

When you go to Pathmark today, there is an additional flyer for a special one day sale “secret sale” today.  There really is nothing great in it.  Reader Bree was kind enough to post the sale items in the circular:

  • Boneless Beef Sirloin Steak $2.99 lb
  • Bounty 15 Reg Roll or 6 Huge Roll Towels $10.99
  • Wesson Oil 128 fl oz $5.99
  • Capri Sun 3/$5
  • Turkey Hill Ice Cream $1.79
  • Broccoli $0.99 lb
  • Bisquick Shake N Pour 5/$5
  • Driscolls Long Stem Strawberries 1lb $4.99
  • Red Raspberries 6 oz $2.99
  • Hormel Bacon 3 lb $6.99
  • Mrs. Butterworth Syrup $2.99
  • America’s Choice English Muffins 5/$5
  • Twizzlers 12-17 oz $1.69
  • Hreshey’s Kisses, Reeses 11-12 oz $2.99

Here are some of the additional free or close to free items you can find:


And, be sure to check out the entire Pathmark Double Coupon Match Ups.  And, read through the comments as well.