Reader Shopping Trip: ShopRite

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Heather is a new reader with us and I would definitely say that she has the hang of doing these deals already. Her last line in the following paragraph made me laugh. 😀

Wow…When I started using this site a mere 3 weeks ago, I could have NEVER imagined…..Now, I am HOOKED!!! Cindy, I can NOT thank you enough!!!  ShopRite 2/27/11, Dollar Deals, Oh How I LOVE Thee! LOL!


Free Milk (with CAT from last week)
Zatarain’s Rice Mix 2 for 5
Herr’s Chips 2 for 4
Freighoffer Bread 1.99
2 Pepperidge Farm Buns 2.99
1 Crown of Fresh Broccoli .99
4 Gain Fabric Softeners $3.99 ea

Deal #1

2 qt Ziploc Bags 2 for 5
2 gallon Ziploc Bag 2 for 5
3 Glade Carpet Deodorizer @ 2 ea

Deal #2

2 Lysol All Purpose Pourables 2 for 5
4 Four in One All Purpose Lysol Cleaners @ ea.

Deal #3

2 Philly Cooking Creme @ 1.50 ea.
2 Jello Pudding 6 packs, 2 for 6
1 Capri Sun @ 2.19

Deal #4

3 Duncan Hines Cake Mixes 3 for 4
1 DH Fudge Brownie Mix 1.29
2 Vlasic Dill Spears @ 2 for 4

Deal #5

2 Manwich Cans 2 for 3
2 Hunt’s Ketchup & 1 Gulden’s Mustard @ 3 for 4
5 Act II Popcorn’s @ 1/ea.
5 Hunt’s Pasta Sauce @ 1/ea.

Deal #6

1 Hot Pockets $2
4 Coffee Mate Flavored 16oz Creamers @ 1.24 ea
4 Raisinets Bags @ 2 for 5
1 Carnation Evaporated Milk

Coupons Used

Zatarain’s $1/3
(2) Buy Pepperidge Farm HB Rolls and Manwich Can save 1/.75 (bought 2 of each, and each dbled to 1.50)
Ziploc Bags (2) $1/2
Lysol All Purpose Pourable $1/2
Lysol 4in1 Cleaner (2) $1/2
Philly Cooking Creme (2) $1.50/1
Jello Pudding .60/1 (dbld)
Vlasic Dill Spears (2) .55/1 (dbld)
Act II Popcorn (4) .55/1 (dbld)
Hunt’s Pasta Sauce (2) .45/1 dbld)
Gain Fabric Softner (4) $3/1
Coffee Mate (2) .75/2
Rasinets (2) $1/2

ALL of this rang up to about $135 BEFORE coupons, between sale prices and coupons I saved over $114!!! I paid $86.12 for ALL of this AND received 6 sets of $12 CATS PLUS another $2 CAT for the Ziplocs

Check out all the ShopRite deals for this week.

If you have a shopping trip you want to share, find out how to enter it into the $100 Store Gift Card Giveaway.