Reader Questions: Interacting with Other Shoppers

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Reader Rachel had two different experiences at the supermarket with some fellow shoppers.  One shopper was very receptive to Rachel’s help, while the other had the complete opposite reaction.  Here is Rachel’s email and question.


I’m sure we all have experienced seeing other shoppers gazing at the same section we are, then buying a product that has a higher unit price for the same item in a different size, or not taking advantage of sales.  I would say 99.9 percent of the time, I ignore other shoppers and don’t really interact with them.  But sometimes I can’t help myself.
The other day I saw a lady getting the organic waffles that were on sale at ShopRite, and I knew the store had coupons for it in the Live Right books at the end of that aisle.  I had just grabbed 2 waffles for myself and couldn’t help but say to her, “If  you are interested, there is a $1 off 2 coupon in that booklet right there.”  The look she gave me.  I don’t know, may be she just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but it was basically like a “Get out of my business and leave me alone, you crazy ding-bat” kind of face.  After glaring at me, she walked away.  I actually felt kind of embarrassed.
But today at Shoprite, there was an elderly lady looking at the pierogies.  She asked me “Are those any good?”  I replied, “Oh yes, I love them.”  She mentioned she might have to try them.  I realized I didn’t think I could fit all six of my boxes in the freezer, so I went to put one back and realized I then had an extra coupon for it.  I asked her, “Would you like to use a coupon on it to try them for fifty cents?”  Her face lit up and she then asked me to recommend my favorite flavor, which I gladly did.  It felt good helping out a fellow shopper.
I was just wondering what your experience has been as far as interacting with other shoppers, good or bad?  I know we all get the “wow you got great deals” comments from some shoppers from time to time, or even malicious glares when we scan countless piles of coupons, but these experiences as of late just got me thinking about if I should mind my own business from now on, or keep doing what I am doing and hope that it will sometimes help people.

So, what do you guys think?  Should we keep quiet and go about our couponing business or spread the word and help other non couponing shoppers out?  What have your responses been if you do spread the coupon love.

If you have a questions you would like to ask the LRWC readers, you can send it to  Put, “Reader Questions” in the subject line.