Reader Jennifer has a question about organizing your stockpile.
I have a question about organizing my stockpile. I just got some new shelves that I am putting up in my basement. Are there any secrets to organizing it? Like do you make a list of what you have, do you label your shelves? Also, I would love to see peoples stockpile pictures. Can you do a post of readers stockpiles?
Do you guys have any suggestions for organizing your stockpile?
Regarding the stockpile pictures… I would love to do a post with a bunch of LRWC Readers Stockpiles. So, if you have a great stockpile you would like to show off, send it my way and I’ll put it together in a slideshow. Also, I will be showing off my stockpile shortly so keep your eye out for that. 🙂
If you have a questions you would like to ask the LRWC readers, you can send it to [email protected]. Put, “Reader Questions” in the subject line.