Reader Jessica has two questions for us.
1) What food vacuum system do you have? Would you recommend?
I’m trying to buy a nice middle of the road (not the Cadillac but not the clunker) in order to keep the meat I am starting to bulk buy for longer (nasty freezer burn!!)2) Anyone suggest a stand alone freezer (for our garage). We are also looking for something in the 150 – 250 range. The kind that has a top open lid. Not as big as a fridge but a little bigger than half?
I am trying to wait for a holiday or a REALLY good sale to purchase…
The “man garage” is slowly becoming “storage”…. at first he was wary to give me 1 shelf… now he’s given me 2 of his shelves + offered the idea of a freezer. I think he gets the long term benefits of me buying 20lbs of meat or 8 bags of doritos at a time 😉
Do you guys have any advice for Jessica on either a freezer recommendation or for a food vacuum system? (On a side note, I have to say its pretty amazing what a few bags of doritos can do 😀 )