Jelly Belly Cupcake Challenge – $10,000 Contest

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Jelly Belly Cupcake Contest

Just a reminder that the Jelly Belly Cupcake Contest doesn’t end until 7/10/11.  Here is how to enter to win $10,000.

Decorate your cupcake with Jelly Belly Jellybeans and submit your entry by 7/10/11.   There will be 5 finalists choosen on or about 7/17/11 based on the following criteria:

  • Creativity and originality – maximum of 35 points
  • Overall appeal – maximum of 35 points
  • Adherence to assignment – did you submit an original decorated cupcake creation that showcases the use of Jelly Belly beans? Maximum of 30 points.

The five (5) Entries with the highest total score (a maximum possible total of 100 points) will be the “Finalists”.  Finalist Entries will be posted at on their website starting on 7/18/11 for the public to vote on. Of course, if you are a finalist, be sure to let us know so we can vote and cheer you on. The prizes are as follows:

  • 1 Grand Prize: $10,000.
  • 4 Runner-Up Prizes: an autographed copy of the “What’s New, Cupcake?” book and a $100 gift certificate

Good luck!!