Thanks to Healthy Life Deals for this weeks Whole Foods Match Ups.
Note, prices will vary from store to store so please be sure to check the prices at your store. Also, be sure to check with your Whole Foods to be sure they will allow you to stack a store coupon with a manufacturer coupon.
You head over here to print Whole Foods Printable Coupons
Honest Tea 16oz $1.00
use $1/1 Honest Tea Recycle Bank(10pt)
FREE after coupon
Barbara’s Puffins Cereal or Shredded Spoonfuls $2.50
use $1/1 Barbara’s Bakery Printable
$1.50 after coupon
Kashi 7 Whole Grain Nuggets Cereal $2.99
use $2/1 Kashi Recycle Bank Printable(10pt) <–looks like the coupon may be gone now
and use $1/1 Kashi Whole Planet Calendar (found at the store)
FREE after both coupons
Kashi TLC Bars $3.99
use $2/1 Kashi Recycle Bank (10pt) <–looks like the coupon may be gone now
and use $1/1 Kashi TLC Whole Planet Calendar (found at the store)
$0.99 after both coupons
Naked Juice 15.2oz $2.50
use $2/1 Naked Juice Recycle Bank( 10pt)
and use $1/1 Naked Juice Whole Planet Calendar (found at the store)
Total Price FREE plus possible $0.50 overage
You can head over here to check out the rest of the Whole Foods Match Ups