Debt Free Living
If you’ve been lurking around LRWC or on my Instagram for a while, you have heard me talk about the need for setting up budgets and my families journey to live a completely debt free life. About 7 years ago we became completely debt free.
I can’t stress how important it is to rid yourself of debt, perhaps with the help of a debt settlement company, set up a budget for yourself and throw away those credit cards. After 24 years of using credit cards and not being disciplined with them, we threw them all away and have not used a single credit card in 8 years. It’s been cash or nothing. And, I can not tell you how good that feels. Was it hard in the beginning? Yes, yes yes! But, it’s the best thing we ever did!
I can’t tell you how good it feels when I feel see you guys benefiting from things I’ve said in the past! I wanted to share with you an email I received from reader Justyna quite a few years ago. I was thrilled beyond when I read it and I hope that her success will inspire you as well. It certainly did for me. Here is her email:
I am addicted to your website. I check it at least 4 times a day. I want to thank you for all the great work. I came to the US 16 years ago as a teenager. Thanks to my wonderful mother I have finished college and married a wonderful man. I am living “the American dream”!!!. I have 2 kids ages 5 and 1 and boy do they always need something. Thanks to your posts I am always able to find great deals for them, my husband and myself. You have motivated me to pay off all of our credit cards and today at the age of 32 I am mortgage free, purchased both of our cars for cash and have “0” balance on my credit cards. It took some time, but it is possible and at the end makes you feel very proud of yourself. From time to time I will get a negative comment about my “cheap” life style and waste of time clipping coupons–but you know what—-I DON’T CARE!!!! 🙂 I am happy that I do not have to worry about paying bills, buying formula or diapers for my kids, take them to the movies, enjoy family vacations –and from time to time treat myself to something nice and expensive. We also started saving accounts for both of my kids and started putting $ into them for their college education.
So once again—THANK YOU!!!! By reading my story you will see that what you do truly matters and makes changes in peoples lives. I am your success story 🙂
Cue in the tears. Because that is just what I did when I read her words. Wow! What an awesome story. Congratulations to Justyna and her husband for that unbelievable accomplishment. Life is so much simpler when there are no worries of which bill to pay, when and how. If you are not there yet or have not yet started, this should be your motivation. The beginning is not easy, but the end result is worth it all.
Have you paid off debts? Are you on your way to living debt free? Share your stories!