Reader Dee found at great deal at Stop & Shop on Red Barn Naturals Bully Slices Dog Treats. And, this deal requires no coupons.
These sell for $10 a bag but, at Stop & Shop they are on sale for only $2.50. They were not marked at that price so you might want to do a price check on them. You will need to use your Stop & Shop card because a $7.50 discount will be deducted when you use your card. They are large bags and I found them on the top shelf with all the rawhide items. Considering the size of these and the size of my new 3 lb 4 lb puppy Bogo, I think I’m stocked up for a year on dog treats.
Oh and by the way, Bogo loves them. I finally found something to keep this little active guy occupied for longer then 2 minutes
And just a note: There is no way to tell if this ends today or this is ongoing.
(Thanks Dee!)