Okay, for all of you asking, and there were a quite a few emails wondering how the “No Poo” was going. Here is a “No Poo” update.
If you remember, 10 days ago I followed my daughter into a “No Poo” hair care regimen. No Poo means no more shampoo. And, even with all the free shampoo I can get my hands on, I thought this might be a solution for me since I have very fine, thin hair. I was looking for more body since, for the first time in, hmm, in, well, since I was in high school, I wanted to grow my hair out. I have never been able to do that because once my hair gets to a certain length, I give up because it’s so flyaway. Well, here is what has happened in the last 10 days.
- Day 1: Used only the baking soda and water to wash my hair.
Result: Cleaned my hair well but left it very dry - Day 4: Used only the Apple Cider Vinegar rinse.
Result: Not as dry but I honestly didn’t feel like it was clean - Day 6: Used the baking soda wash & then the vinegar rinse.
Result: Loved it and I noticed that my hair had more body to it. - Day 9: Same as Day 6
Result: Just as great as Day 6. Plus the next day, today, my hair was full of body.
I have not had any problems with excess oil. I’m at the stage right now that I would be scheduling a haircut and I’m not. So, another benefit to this may just be spending less money on haircuts.
My hair feels great, I have so much more body and I just may get my hair to shoulder length for the first time in 28 years. Oh, how I hate admitting how many years it’s been since i was 18.
Okay, enough about me. How have you “No Poo” guys been doing? Good, bad?