Reader Lala let me know that the New York Texas Toast on sale at Pathmark this week has actually become a moneymaker. It seems that it is ringing up at $0.99 initially and the $0.22 (to make it $0.77) is not coming off until after the coupons are scanned. So, the entire $1.00 coupon is coming off the price of the croutons. So, make sure you have other things in your cart when buying these other wise the transaction will go to a negative. Here is the deal
New York Texas Toast Croutons $0.99 (on sale for $0.77)
use $0.50/1 Texas Toast Croutons 3/21/2010 SS Insert (exp 6/30/2010)
or use $0.50/1 Croutons All You Magazine April
Then $0.22 is deducted
free + $0.22 moneymaker
(Thanks Lala!)