I remember, when I was young, watching the reruns of Lassie and how they used to have the operator on the other end of the phone. Remember that? I used to think how weird it was that you couldn’t just dial the phone and speak directly to someone without having to go through an operator first. Now-a-days, I’m sure we would love to have that human operator on the other end. Instead, all we get is the “For English press 1, for Spanish press 2. Please enter your account number. I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. Please enter your account number, I’m sorry I didn’t get that. Thanks for calling….Good bye” Ugh!!
Well, lookie here at this site, Get Human. They have all the HUMAN phone numbers. Yes, human beings that will answer your call. Human beings that can actually speak directly with you. I know, hard to imagine right?. But, this site has done all the leg work and compiled it into one spot. Now, I haven’t tried them all but the ones I have played with do go to a human. It’s a good site to bookmark and go to when you need to make that dreaded phone call. Now if they answer and Hello Ruth, do you want me to connect you to Mr. Wiggly’s Pharmacy? Then you better see if you have been sucked into a time machine 🙂