Target: $5.00 Merona Hobo Bags Plus Free Shipping

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Remember that Target Printable coupon for $5.00 off Merona bags that went so quickly yesterday?  Well good news.  There is also an online code to score $5.00 off Merona bags online.  Plus there is free shipping.  Now, you won’t be able to get them for free like yesterday but you can score some cute Hobo bags for only $5.00 shipped after coupon. Head over to Target and search Merona Hobo where you will see them for only $10.  Or just search Merona Bags to see all of the bags you can use the coupon code for.  Use coupon code: TGTMNAAS at checkout to get the $5.00 off.

Also if you want to take other coupons that are available you can use these:

  • Code TGTMNA3G to get $2 off Merona’s tops
  • Code TGTMNA66 to get $2 off Merona’s Hosiery Item
  • Code TGTMNAFM to get $3 off Merona’s Men Apparel

(Thanks Mercedes!)