CVS: Possible Free Lysol Healthy Touch

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Reader Jenni just emailed me to let me know that she scored a Free Lysol Healthy Touch at CVS.  When she scanned her Extra Care Card at the “magic coupon machine”  (I loved how she called it that 🙂 ) she got a CVS store coupon for $5.00 off the Lysol Healthy Touch.   Pair it with the manufacturer coupon and you have it for Free. Here is your deal if you too score a $5.00 coupon when you scan your card.

Lysol Healthy Touch $9.99
-$5.00 CVS Coupon from the “magic coupon machine”
-$5/1 from the 3/28 SmartSource insert
free after coupons

Note: That not everyone may get this coupon but if you are going to CVS then I would suggest bringing along your manufacturer coupon just in case.

(Thanks Jenni!)