I am just so excited to share some fun news with you. It totally made my day!
Long time LRWC reader, Marcia Worth, wrote a feature article on LRWC & me for our local Livingston Patch online paper. When she asked if I wouldn’t mind being interviewed for a story I was like, of course…how fun. By the questions she asked me, I could tell she had been a reader for a while. She knew the lingo and she truly knew what this site was all about.
And, she did an awesome job writing the article. I am so pleased and honored to have it published and I’m so excited that I wanted to share with all of you. So if you have a minute. Hop on over to the Livingston Patch and read all about it. Let us know what you think.
And, a huge thank you to Marcia for writing an awesome article.