This coupon preview shows just SS & PG as the inserts coming out but there is also suppose to be a Red Plum. Recently Red Plum has been cutting even more newspapers from their list. Some of you may remember that back in August Red Plum removed the insert from the local NJ Star Ledger. I, along with a bunch of readers, were not happy.
I was able to find a source through eBay to keep me supplied with my Red Plum inserts however over the last couple of weeks, she, as well as others around the country, have had their Red Plum inserts removed from their newspapers as well. According to Red Plum, they will be sending out their inserts via snail mail and it “delivers Red Plum coupons to more folks” according to them on their Twitter post. Well, let me tell you, I have been receiving it that way for quite a while and it’s a bunch of garbage. This Friday’s mailing consisted of a Dish Network ad, an article on exercising, an article on decorating, and at for Glamour Shots and an ad for PSE&G. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see a coupon, not a single coupon.
So, I’m starting to see the Red Plum coupons removed from the list as more and more people are disappointed and tired of not being able to find the advertised coupons. Let us know if you are still receiving your Red Plum insert or if you have become a victim of the disappearing Red Plum inserts as well.
Check out the Sunday Coupon Preview for a complete list of the coupons that will be available.
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