I have a confession. I did NOT use 1 coupon today.
OMG I actually said that and on this blog.
No coupons.
That was not my intention though. I was armed with coupons for Pathmark & Walgreens.
In both stores, all my coupon items were not in stock. Every item. I couldn’t give away a coupon today. I wound up buying the above items at Pathmark & ShopRite. I went to ShopRite only for the chicken sausage (more on that later) and also got the apples and potatoes. Everything else was from Pathmark. My total: $15.92.
Add the $.07 from Acme and I’m at only $15.99 for the week.
All I really have to buy for the rest of the week is from a trip to Costco for Milk, yogurt ($3.00 coupon available for Dannon Activia) & bananas. I’ll probably spend about $10.00 there. So I am going to be about $50 under budget this week. That will be nice because I am going to need to purchase some meat pretty soon.