Gevalia Coffee – 3 Coffees & a Travel Mug for $3.00

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I keep meaning to put this up and I always forget. The deal is almost coming to an end so I thought I would finally share it with you.

Get 3 Gevalia coffees for $3.00 and get a FREE stainless steel travel mug. Once you order the coffee you will be automatically enrolled in their coffee shipment program. The good thing is, if you don’t want to continue you simply call and cancel. They are very good about it, they don’t push you to to stay. It’s very easy to cancel.

If you are happy and want to continue then you do nothing and your coffee continues to come. If you cancel you keep the coffee and travel mug. So, you’ll get 3 boxes of coffee and a mug for only 3 bucks. Good deal.

Go here to check out their coffees.

Hint: Their Chocolate Raspberry coffee is delicious. I’m drinking that right now.