Robitussin Coupons
Woot! The Robitussin Coupons have reset! Here are the coupons you can find:
This week Walgreens has Robitussin 4 oz. or 16 pk. or 20 ct on sale for $6.00 (must buy 2) and when you buy 2 you will receive 2,000 Balance Reward Points ($2.00). There is a $1/1 Robitussin Cough+Chest, Cough or Cold 20 ct. or 4 oz. coupon found in the Answers at WAGS-Cold & Flu book (found in store) which we can stack with these new coupons.
In addition, we have these great cash back offers currently available:
- $1/1 Robitussin Childrens DM Ibotta Rebate
- $1/1 Robitussin DM Max Nighttime Ibotta Rebate
- $2/1 Robitussin Maximum Strength Cough and Chest Congestion DM, Snap Rebate
- $2/1 Robitussin Maximum Strength Nighttime Cough DM, Snap Rebate
- $2/1 Children’s Robitussin Cough & Congestion DM, Snap Rebate
After sale, coupons, cash back offers and Balance Reward points score a $1.25 money maker buying two of these products! Awesome deal!
Score a similar deal at Rite Aid this week. Pay only $0.37 per bottle after stacked offers!