Compare Sizes For Best Deal
This week’s Extreme Couponing Tip is on comparing sizes on products! This is an important tip to remember while at the grocery store. Manufacturer’s are often making the content in packages much smaller without changing the size of the bag/carton/box. Be sure to check the sizes on products to be sure you’re getting the most for your money!
Tips for Comparing Sizes:
- Sometimes buying the smaller size gets you more for your money. Do some quick math. Carry a small calculator with you or use your cell phone. If you’re buying Orange Juice for example, it might be cheaper to buy 2 half gallons with a coupon (or even without) than one gallon. This isn’t always the case, but sometimes it works out that buying 2 of a smaller size is cheaper than buying one bulk or larger size.
- Another example of this is buying small sizes of products even if you have a large family to feed. Often you can get smaller size items for very cheap or even Free. An example of this that I can think of is say instant mashed potatoes. We often see small pouches of instant mashed potatoes or muffin mix go on sale for $1.00. If there is a coupon available that allows you to use it on the pouch size or smaller size, you can often get products like this for very cheap, sometimes even Free. If you buy 3 for cheap, you’re getting the same, if not more ounces as you would in a large or “family size” box for a fraction of the cost.
- While buying cereal for example, if I have a coupon for let’s say $1.00 off ANY Honey Bunches of Oats, and if I’m not super picky on a specific flavor of Honey Bunches of Oats (so many choices these days!), I’m going to first check the sizes on each box that is on sale. If 4 different varieties of Honey Bunches of Oats are all on sale for the same price and my coupon let’s me purchase ANY Honey Bunches of Oats, I’m going to buy the box with the largest amount of ounces in it…typically. I know you guys have favorite flavors that might outweigh this rule, but I like pretty much anything so I go for the most for my money!
- Know your “stock up” prices and what the average cost is for products you buy all the time. That way, when you see a sale or if you’re in a wholesale store such as Costco or BJ’s, you can figure out who has the best price based on size to cost ratio.
What are your tips for comparing prices?
Do you have an idea for an Extreme Couponing tip you’d like to see addressed? Leave your ideas in the comments!