Hot New Kraft Coupons including Capri Sun, Maxwell House, Mio & More!

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Hot New Kraft Coupons

Woohoo!  There are some new Kraft Coupons available this morning to print.  Here are the coupons you can find:

Don’t forget, there is the awesome Kraft Catalina that I posted about the other day. Be sure to check the post for all the products included.  The catalina starts today and runs until 9/15.  The catalina is available at the following stores:

  • ShopRite
  • Pathmark
  • Stop & Shop
  • A&P
  • Acme
  • Kmart & more!

There are some awesome double dips available with these coupons, especially at ShopRite next week!  I’ll be posting some great deals with the new coupons as they pop up!