New SavingStar eCoupon
There is one new SavingStar eCoupon available. Clip this to your store loyalty card, once you make a purchase at any of the participating stores, the savings are added to your SavingStar account. And you can still use any manufacturer coupon as well, so double the savings.
If you are new to SavingStar, you can find out more information here.
Clip: $1.25/2 Marie’s Salad Dressings
You can score a great deal at A&P with this new SavingStar eCoupon. A&P sells Marie’s Salad Dressings for $2.99. The yogurt dressing is also priced at $2.99, plus, there is a $0.75/1 Marie’s Yogurt Salad Dressing coupon available on Coupon Network. Use 2 manufacturer’s coupons stacked with this new eCoupon to score this dressing for only $0.87 a bottle. I’ve never tried this yogurt dressing but I definitely might have to give it a try now!
Here is your deal.