New Jersey Fire Leaves 100 Homeless–Help Needed

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New Jersey Fire Leaves 100 Homeless–Help Needed

Reader Meryl informed me that there was a horrific fire in her neighborhood in the Woodbridge Village apartment complex in Avenel, NJ earlier this week.  This devastating fire destroyed 60 apartments and has left more than 50 families and 100 residents homeless.  In addition to losing their homes, these families have lost all of their belongings in the fire.  Here’s what Meryl had to say:

Let us come together and come as a community to do our  bit to help the families.  I know that I will be contributing whatever I can and I am sure there will be many in the couponing community who would be willing to do whatever they can.

Used clothing, diapers, baby items, non-perishable food items and much more would be greatly appreciated and accepted.  If you’re interested in helping this community in any way, please visit this website for more information.

Photo Credit: Paul Karmazin