Kroger’s SE Deals for the week of 6/17
Here are your Kroger SE deals for this week thanks to Frugal Coupon Living. Make sure to load up your Cellfire coupons onto your Kroger Card.
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B10G5 Powerade, 32 oz, Fuze, 16.9 oz, Full Throttle, 16 oz, NOS, 16 oz, Vitaminwater, 20 oz, Smartwater, 700 ml, Honest Tea, 16.9 oz, $10/10
=$.67 each
Starkist Tuna or Kroger Chicken, 2.6 oz pouch or 3-5 oz can, $10/10
$.50/2 RP 5/13
$.75/2 Facebook printable (every Friday)
$.50 June All You magazine
$.50 June All You magazine
=FREE-$.62 each
Nabisco Go-Paks Cookies or Pepperidge Farm Goldfish, 2-4 oz, $10/10
$1/2 printable
=$.50 each
Brawny, 1 Reg Roll $10/10
$1 Facebook printable
Little Debbie Snack Cakes, 6-12 ct., $5/4
$.25 SS 3/25
$.55 SS 3/11
$.55 printable
=$.70 each
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