New SavingStar eCoupons
There are 14 new SavingStar eCoupons available. Clip these to your store loyalty card, once you make a purchase at any of the participating stores, the savings are added to your SavingStar account. And you can still use any manufacturer coupon as well, so double the savings.
If you are new to SavingStar, you can find out more information here.
- Save $5 when you spend $20 on any Windex, Scrubbing Bubbles, Fantastik, Pledge, Shout or Drano Products
- $0.75/1 DOLE Frozen Fruit Single-serve Cups
- $1.50/2 Dry Idea Roll-on or Clear Gel
- $1/1 People Magazine
- $0.75/1 LouAna Oil
- $2/1 June issue of InStyle Magazine
- $1/2 GUM Toothbrushes (does not include Crayola Kids)
- $1/1 Wild Harvest Boxed Tea
- $1/1 Culinary Circle Pizza
- 25%/1 Stone Ridge Creamery Novelty item
- $0.55/1 GUM Soft Picks
- $5/1 GUM PerioBalance
- $3/1 GUM PerioShield
- $1/1 GUM Canker-X
I’m hoping we will see some sales on the Windex, Scrubbing Bubbles, Fantastik, Pledge, Shout or Drano Products soon to pair with this awesome $5 savings!