This reader question comes from Courtney! Her question is regarding how to shop gluten free and continue to save her family money!
Recently I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and will be on gluten free diet. I have noticed how expensive all of the gluten free products are, and I am not seeing a lot of coupons.Can you or any of your readers tell me how I can continue to save my family money while adjusting to this new way of eating and shopping?
For those of you couponing with family members or yourself on a restricted diet, please help Courtney with any ideas or suggestions that help you continue to save.
Also, you might like to check out some the Organic Coupons and Deals Post as a great reference and I just posted a $1/1 Udi’s Gluten Free Coupon. Plus it puts you on their mailing list so you can receive future coupons.
If you have a questions you would like to ask the LRWC readers, you can send it to Put, “Reader Questions” in the subject line.
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