New House Party: Your Day, Your Way: Pull-ups Potty Dance
There is a new House Party to apply for It’s the Your Day, Your Way: Pull-ups Potty Dance House Party. This house party is a little bit different because you will be going through Facebook! Otherwise it is the same company!
Here are the details:
Party Dates: February 11, 18, 25, 2012
Party Pack Includes:
- Pull-Ups® Coupon Books
- Pull-Ups® Potty Day Dance
- Instructional Mats
- Pull-Ups® Sticker Sheets
- Pull-Ups® Door Hangers
- Pull-Ups® Potty Training Success DVDs
- Pull-Ups® Inflatable Guitars
- And more
You can head over here to apply for the Your Day, Your Way: Pull-ups Potty Dance House Party. Good Luck!
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