New Dove & Suave Deodorant Coupons
There are new Dove and Suave Deodorant Coupons available. You will have to “like” Don’t Fret The Sweat” on Facebook and choose one of the following coupons:
- $1.00 OFF any ONE (1) Degree Girl Deodorant
- $1.00 OFF any ONE (1) Dove Deodorant or Dove go fresh Body Mist
- $1.00 OFF any ONE (1) Degree Men Deodorant
- $0.75 OFF any ONE (1) Suave Deodorant
Print: Dove & Suave Deodorant Coupon
Starting on Sunday, 11/13, Suave Deodorant will be priced at only $1 and is part of a Buy $10 Get a $3 ECB Deal
Here is a deal you can do. Note this deal will only work on Sunday 11/13 because one of the coupons expires on Sunday, 11/13.
Buy 4 Suave Deodorant $1.00 each
Buy 3 Suave Body Wash $2.00 each
Total: $10
-(4)$0.75/1 Suave Deodorant Coupon
-(1)B2G1 Suave Body Wash Product, exp. 11/13/11 (RP 10/16/11)
Pay: $5.25
Get a $3 ECB
$0.32 each after coupons & ECB
Or, just buy the Suave Deodorant buy itself for only $0.25 each after coupon!
You can check out the rest of the CVS Preview Deals for next week.
Thanks Cindy J!