Giveaway Round-up
Here is a list of all the current Giveaways going on through some of your favorite brands:
Michael Angelo’s: Win a Trip to Italy
Ending on 10/31 you can enter to win a trip to Italy for a once in a lifetime culinary adventure curtesy of Michael Angelo’s Naturally Italian!
Goya: Match Your Birthday Sweepstakes
You have a chance to win $75,000 courtesy of Goya! All you have to do play the game every day and try to match your birthday! It’s fun and easy way to try to win $75,000!
Coupon Network’s Boo on a Budget Contest
Enter your Homemade, inexpensive Halloween costume into the contest and you could win $500 for yourself and $500 to the charity of your choice!
Chevy: Win $1,000
Chevy is giving away $1,000 to a lucky winner to celebrate their 100 years of Chevrolet! Enter your information to win!
Palmolive Grocery Giveaway
Head over and fill out this form from Palmolive to win a $500 grocery gift card of your choice! 3 people will win and this contest ends on 11/14/11!