Reader Danielle made a trip to ShopRite this week and found some surprises. Some of which I already have posted in the Reader Tips & Deals post that went up earlier this morning. However, now you can see them in action. Here is what Danielle was about to snag:
4 – AlFresco Chicken Sausages (not the breakfast ones, the regular ones) – $3.49 ea
3 – Super Pretzels – $1.99 ea
12 – YoCrunch yogurt cups – .39 ea
2 – Multi Packs of Nabisco cookies – $4.97 (must buy 2, w/$25 purchase)
3 – Lindsay Olives – $1.59 ea
4 – lbs. Land O Lakes Butter – $2.47 ea at my store.
Subtotal: $44.23
Coupons Used:
(4) $2/1 AlFresco printables
(3) .50/1 Superpretzel (doubled)
(2) $1/4 YoCrunch (a catalina from a while ago)
(2) $1/1 peelies on Nabisco packs
(3) $1/1 Lindsay Olives
(4) $1/1 Land O Lakes coupons
(1) $5 Kraft Catalina
Deducted $27.00
Total Paid: $17.23
(2) .75 Catalina (from Yo Crunch)
(1) $1.25/15 YoCrunch catalina coupon
And Super Pretzel boxes each have (1) .50/1 French’s Mustard and (1) $1/1 French’s Honey Mustard (total value $6)
So $8.75 in coupons I’m very likely to use, to boot!
Nice job Danielle. Love heading in to Shop and finding surprises that make the deal even sweeter.
You can head over here to check out the rest of the ShopRite Deals for this week.
If you have a shopping trip you want to share, find out how to enter it into the $50 Store Gift Card Giveaway.