Okay guys, after a week of no shopping, I’m back. And I made a bunch of trips to different stores. Starting with Pathmark where I tried out the GM Catalina. Even though I did hit $30 on shelf prices, I did not get the $8.00 catalina. And honestly I think it has something to do with the Fruit Snacks because others have had it work on shelf price. But I did get a $3.50 catalina for buying the 4 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks so that was a plus. I wound of spending more then I normally would thinking I was getting an $8.00 and a $3.50 but that did not happen. So my OOP was $11.26 plus I now have a $3.50 catalina. I will be calling Catalina Marketing tomorrow to see if they can determine what happened.
As of yesterday (Saturday) I had not purchased one thing toward the Kraft/GM/Unilever deal. I just went in to get some items that were ending yesterday or that I had coupons that were expiring. Here I spent $4.14 after coupons & $6.00 in catalinas.
And, todays trip to ShopRite included the start of my purchases toward the Kraft/GM/Unilever deal. I was going to use up all my Free coupons that I had received from Kraft First Taste and I had a plan in mind for everything else. But, as I was walking down an aisle, there came a young man pushing a big cart of new Cheerios boxes and on them were little pink stickers with $1.00 coupons. I almost wanted to hug him but I think he would have probably called security on me.
So, I quickly changed my deal and wound up buying these items to meet my first $40:
4 Cheerios $2.49 ($3.59 shelf) – $1.00 coupons
Ritz Crackerful $2.99 ($3.49) – Free coupon
Kraft Deluxe Mac & Cheese $2.99 ($2.99) – Free coupon
Oscar Mayer Franks $4.69 ($4.69) – Free coupon
2 Crystal Light $1.99 ($2.49) – $1.00 coupon
Kraft 100 Cal Cheese Bites $2.99 ($2.99) – Free coupon
Bullseye BBQ $1.69 ($1.69) – $1.00 coupon
Dentyne Gum $1.19 ($1.19) – $1.00 coupon
Kool Aid Fun Fiz $1.99 ($1.99) – Free coupon
Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Meat $3.50 ($3.69) – Free coupon
Kraft Cheese Slices $2.99 ($3.89) – $1.00 coupon (found in blinkie at store)
The rest of the items I bought to get my total up to $75 so I could use a $10 off $75 coupon I received in the mail. So, after coupons & a $1.50 catalina I paid $9.58 out of pocket and qualified for $5.00.
Stopped at the Farmers Market and picked up fruit, veggies & 1 gallon of Milk. Spent $23.86 which is more then I usually spend there but I had my daughter with me and things kept appearing in my cart
Then I headed back to ShopRite because I just kept thinking about those pink $1.00 coupons on those Cheerios boxes. Since the Kraft/GM/Unilever deal is working on shelf prices I figured all I need was 4 boxes of Cheerios & 4 packages of Kraft Sliced Cheese and all the coupons were right at the store. How easy was that. So, I used my $5.00 certificate that I had already qualified for, added these items with coupons, paid $8.92 and qualified for my $20. It was worth the trip back. Now I’m thinking I’ll wait it out and see if any good coupons appear that will work well to hit the $120 mark.
And last but not least, Target. I gathered up all my BOGO Sobe coupons, my gift cards and headed out. Spent $4.17 out of pocket after coupons and gift cards and still have $10 more in gift cards.
So, all together I spent: $61.91 and I have a $3.50 catalina from Pathmark, $20 certificate from ShopRite & $10 Gift Card from Target. And, I’m hoping to still get the $8.00 Catalina from Pathmark.
How did you do this weekend? If you did a Kraft/GM/Unilever deal, make sure to post it here for a chance to win a $25 ShopRite gift card