- Buy$40 of participating products and get $5 in free groceries
- Buy $80 ofparticipating products and get $25 in free groceries
- Buy $120 of participating products and get $50 in free groceries
The great part is you have 2 weeks to qualify. Spending will be tracked on your receipt and you must use your Price Plus Card. The way it worked last year is you received a certificate after each level was reached. So once you hit $40 you receive the $5.00. It also helps as you will be able to see exactly where you are in the promotion and you can do a little at a time if you are unsure how it will all work.
To see more information on this ShopRite deal go here. I will tell you that this is not a complete list. At least I don’t think it is. The circular clearly states ALL Kraft, General Mills & Unilever. When I went back to last years list, it had a lot more products on it so I’m not sure what the deal is with that. If you are interested in comparing you can see last years list here.
You can reference the companies websites for a list of brands:
Here is how the deal works:
The amount to qualify is determined before manufacturer coupons but after Price Plus deductions and the double part of the coupon. For Example:
Lucky Charms Cereal $3.99
on sale w/ price plus: $2.49
use $.55/1 coupon doubled – $1.10
final price: $1.39
amount toward promo: $1.94 (2.49 – .55 doubled part of coupon)
Now the big question will be, for the items that are not on Price Plus, will those items be determined by shelf price or sale price. That is what we will have to see. For Example:
Jello Pudding Box (Shelf Price) $1.09
Sale Price: $0.75 (must buy 4)
use $1/4 coupon
final price: $0.50 each wyb 4
amount toward promo: is it $1.09 or $0.75? (to be determined)
How we are going to double dip:
1. Kraft Get $10 wyb $30 that some of you may have received as well as the free coupons that came with it. <—note this end Sunday, 6/13
2. Catalinas:
Kraft Salad Dressing
Buy 2 Get $1.00
Guy 3 Get $2.00
Guy 4 or more Get $3.00
Kraft Cool Whip
5/21 – 7/4
Buy 3 Get $1.00
Buy 4 Get $2.00
Buy 5+ get $3.00
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks
6/14 – 7/11
Buy 3 Get $1.50
Buy 4 Get $2.00
Buy 5 Get $2.50
Velvetta Shells & Cheese Cups
5/17 – 6/13 <—note this is Sunday only!
Buy 2 get $0.50
Buy 3 Get $1.00
Buy 4+ Get $1.50
Of course the best source for your coupons is the LRWC Coupon Database. Search away for your best coupons. There are close to 4,000 coupons listed there.
Match Ups for Week 1:
Crystal Light $2.99
$1/1 Crystal Light Product printable (IE) or printable (FF)
as low as $1.99 each after coupon
Nabisco 100 Cal Packs $2.99
use $1/2 Nabisco Multi-Pack Product printable
as low as $1.99 each after coupon
Progresso Vegetable Classics Soup $1.25 (must buy 4)
buy 12 and use (4)$1.10/3 Progresso Soups printable
as low as $0.88 each after coupon
Jell-O Pudding 3-3.9 oz $.75 (must buy 4)
buy 2 and use $0.50/2 Jell-O Gelatin or Pudding Box, exp. 7-6-10 (SS 06/06/10)
as low as $.50 each after coupon
“Come Up With Your Best Deal” Giveaway
This is a big promotion and there are many, many different scenarios that can be done. Now that it’s all laid out, I’m sure you guys may have some questions so ask away. I dug up one of my sceanrios from last year which you can take a look at here. Remember this is last years list so the prices and coupons are not the same. It’s just for a reference, to get you thinking.
So what are we going to do this year? A GIVEAWAY
You will be able to post your scenarios for this promotion throughout the 2 weeks. This way other readers can see the different deals you guys have all come up with. Readers will have the opportunity to vote on the sceanrio they like the best. You can vote right at the bottom of each comment. You can do one or as many sceanrios you can come up with. At the end of 2 weeks, the top 4 sceanrios (voted on by readers) will each receive a $25 ShopRite Gift Card. (Remember, deals should only be from this promotion. Any deals posted that are not part of this promotion will be removed)
So what are you waiting for…get your calculators, spreadsheets and coupons out and get those deals a rollin.
Note: I will make this post a sticky post at the top of the site so you can access it easily and post your scenarios.
I am so psyched about this!! Can’t wait to start saving!
If anyone is trying to double dip with the rebate, remember that the last day to purchase for it is Sunday, June 13th!
@Jaime, Ah, yes, my little arrow was suppose to be there and I forgot it. Thanks a bunch Jamie!!
if you got the 6 free kraft coupons from the promotion on kraftfirsttaste.com this is a great time to use them too! If you do it on Sunday it will go for the rebate and the shoprite deal. free products getting you free money!!
I spent a minute trying to think of a scenario but then my head started to hurt. Luckily I had some free ice cream to make it all better.
@rosanne, OMG that was too funny. I liked it just for that 🙂
Cindy is this promotion with the use of shelf prices or sale? And are totals calculated before or after coupons?
Thanks Christine
@Christine, The amount to qualify is determined before manufacturer coupons but after Price Plus deductions and the double part of the coupon.
We are not sure about the items that are not on Price Plus, don’t know if it will be shelf price or sale price. That is what we will have to see.
I read the fine print of the offer and it states that Qualifying purchases are calculated BEFORE taxes, bottle deposits, and the face value of the manufacturers coupon and AFTER ShopRite coupons, ShopRite Price Plus club card deductions and any doubled or tripled value of manufacturer coupons.
So I think based on Cindy’s example we will be given .75 cents credit instead of $1.09. Also if the coupon is doubled, for example the coupon was .25 cents, we would be given .50 cents credit because the doubled .25 cents would be deducted.
To recap, if the item has a shelf price of $1.09 and is on sale for .75 cents and you use a .25 cents coupon that is doubled, we will receive a .50 cent credit towards the certificate for that item not a $1.09.
I hope this makes sense.
I don’t know how Cindy types up these offers every week so neatly. I put my deals in an excel spreadsheet and tried to paste it here and it got a little weird. Basically PN = Product Name, SP=Sale Price, CV=Coupon Value, WTFC=Where to Find coupon (by the way you have to try searching the database, it’s amazing), OOP=Out of Pocket, CREDIT=Credit receive for offer QTY=Quantity needed to buy to use coupons.
The two totals at the bottom shows that you would spend $71.19 to get $103.89 credit toward the certificate. You would have earned $25 certificate. You would only need approximately another $16 next week to qualify for the $50. If you purchase the first 8 items on the list, you would qualify for the Kraft $10wyb$30 in product.
I hope this list is helpful.
Crystal Light $2.99 $1.00 printable $1.99 $2.99 1
Jello Pudding 4/$3 .50/2 SS 6/6 $1.00 $2.00 4
Nabisco Saltines 2/$5 $1 for 2 SS 5/16 $4.00 $5.00 2
Nab 100 Calorie $2.99 $1.00 House Party$1.99 $2.99 1
Nabisco Cheese Nips2/$3 $1 for 2 SS 5/16 $2.00 $3.00 2
Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh2/$7 $1.00 printable $5.00 $7.00 2
Nabisco Oreo Cookies$2.99 Free Nabisco $0.00 $2.99 1
Digiorno 12″ Pizza $6.99 $3.00 printable $3.99 $6.99 1
Cheerios $2.49 $1.00 sign up to get 4/$1 $1.49 $2.49 1
BettyCMix$1.24 .75 SS 5/2 3
Betty C Frosting3/$5 buy both $4.22 $6.47 3
Pillsbury Grand $1.99 .75/2 pillsbury.com $2.48 $3.23 2
Betty C Fruit Snacks 2/$5 .50 bettycrocker.com$3.00 $4.00 2
Pillsbury Cres Rolls 2/$5 $0.70 printable $2.20 $3.60 2
Totino Party Pizza 3/$5 .60/3 coupons.com$3.80 $4.40 3
Nature V Granola Bars2/$5 .50smartsource.com$3.00 $4.00 2
Betty CBrownies2/$5 .75/2 coupons.com 2
.75 cellfire $2.75 $4.25
Progesso Soup4/$5 $1.10/3 coupons.com $10.60$15.00 12
Knorr Pasta $0.94 .60/2 RP 5/23 $0.78 $1.28 2
Wish Bone dressing 2/$3 $1.50/2 RP 5/23 $1.50 $3.00 2
Ragu Sauce 3/$4 $0.60 RP 5/23 $0.40 $2.20 3
Skippy Peanut B 2/$4 .60/2 printable $2.80 $3.40 2
Dove Body Wash $5.49 $1.25 printable $4.24 $5.49 1
Lipton Tea $2.99 $0.40 RP 5/23 $2.19 $2.59 1
Lipton To Go $1.99 $0.50 RP 5/23 $0.99 $1.49 1
Dove BWfor Men $3.99 $1.00 RP 3/28 $2.99 $3.99 1
Q-Tips $2.99 $0.60 printable $1.79 $0.05 1
TOTALS $71.19 $103.89
@Maria D.,
Great job Maria!
This is the deal that I’m planning on doing. I am not including the Nabisco free cookie deal, because you have to buy milk and a pack of Nabisco cookies to get the free ones, more oop. I was careful to not subtract any money that comes off because of your PricePlus card. The circular states that qualifying purchases are before taxes, face value of manufacturers coupons- but after ShopRite Price Plus card deductions, so all those doubles don’t count (bummer). Most of this deal is using internet coupons, so everyone can do it. I did add my coupons from a Shoprite mailer that I got two weeks, you know the week #1, week #2 deals. You can find all of the coupons on this site, and my oop will be deducting all the doubled coupons of course, I don’t think any Cellfire coupons are ever doubled. Here is what I’ll be buying.
Lucky Charms- $2.49/ .55 printable/ .55 cellfire/ .94 oop/ 2.04 credit
H. Nut Cheerios-$ 2.49/.55 printable/.55 cellfire/ .94 oop/ 2.04 credit
Digiorno pizza-$6.99/$3.00 printable/$3.99 oop/$6.99 credit
Digiorno pizza-$6.99/$3.00 printable/$3.99 oop/$6.99 credit
Oscar Mayer deli fresh-2/$7 /$1.00 printable (use 2)/$5.00 oop/$7.00 credit
printed more coupons from my other computers and did the deal again
Oscar Mayer deli fresh-2/$7 /$1.00 printable (use 2)/$5.00 oop/$7.00 credit
Betty Crocker cake mix-$1.24/.50 off cake +frosting printable
Betty Crocker frosting-$1.66/.40 off printable/$1.10 oop/$2.00 credit
Betty Crocker brownies-2/$5 /.75off2 printable/ .75off2 cellfire/$3.25 oop/$4.75 credit
Pilsbury crescent rolls-2/$5 /$1 off 2 printable/ $4.00 oop/ $5.00 credit
I would have used the .70 off on both, but it wasn’t available anymore
Progresso soup-4/$5- buy 12 use 4 $1.10 off 3 printables/$10.60 oop/$15.00 credit
Knorr pasta sides- .94/.60 off 2 5-23-10 RP/.88 oop/ $1.48 credit
Wishbone salad dressing- 2/$3- /.75 off 1 5-23-10 RP/$1.00 oop/$2.50 credit
Nature Valley Granola bars- 2/$5-/ (use 2) .50 off 1 printable/$3.00 oop/$4.00 credit
Q Tips- $2.99/(use 2) .60 off 1 printable/$3.98 oop/$5.18 credit
Maxwell House ground coffee-$3.99/week #2 coupon- free/$3.99 credit
Total $80.71 before coupons and PricePlus doubles, I will use $7.50 off of $75.00 or more shopping order from the week #2 mailer. Credit for $75.96 for week 1 of free groceries. My out of pocket after all of the coupons will be $40.17. My Shoprite doesn’t fully double coupons, a .75 coupon is doubled to $1.00 not $1.50, so my savings aren’t as high as some others might be. All in all it’s a great deal this week, hope next week is just as good.
I don’t see the Honey Nut Cheerios as a part of the $2.49 deal – this may only be at some stores.
I am buying 14 packs of Dentyne gum (77/each – $1/ea coupon – giving 23c/ea overage ($3.22). Will also buy (4) 2/$3 Cheese Nips, using .75/1 coupons doubled = FREE. That gets me $20 to start + 5 easy mac ($5 – overage = 1.78) + then I’ll submit for the $20 rebate that was issued in the fall for 10 nabisco cookies and crackers, 5 beverages (Capri Sun bought in May) and 5 easy mac. Then I’ll use my $10 OYNO to buy OM ColdCuts, 2.99×4 – $1/2 = $9.98 – $10 OYNO. Get $2 OYNO. Use $2 OYNO + $ 2 OOP to buy 4 more packs of gum to get to $40.
Thus OOP to get to $40 is: $3.78, and I’ll get $20 back in the mail in rebate, + $5 to use toward the next level
@Liz L, What rebate is that, Liz?
It is in the “Save up to $55 throughout the school year promotion booklet” distributed by Nabisco last fall.@Laurie M.,
@Liz L,
I like your transaction, but the Nabisco rebate is no longer available it ended in December. I know because I was late with it. Still a good deal with only $3.78 oop.
Not true, Jenny. In the Save up to $55 throughout the school year” booklet are two rebate offers. The second (the one I am double-dipping with) reads, ” Original receipts from 1/1/10-6/30/10 qualify. It is found in the middle of the booklet, not on the front page.
I have that rebate 2! But where did u get the ther coupons from?? ss/RP??
Dentyne 6/13 SS;
Oscar Mayer Lunch Meats 5/16 SS;
Cheese Nips – the coupons expire 12/31 (not sure where I got them from but they were tear pad based and I think I got them around the SuperBowl timeframe).
@Liz L, The like button isn’t working, but I love this information.
@Shannan, should be working now.
OK, so this is what i did for the first phase of the
Spend $40 get $5
Spend $80 get $25
Spend $120 get $50 Kraft, Unilever, General Mills 2 week special
(6) Wishbone @ 2/$3
(3) $1.25/2
(9) Ragu sauces @ 3/$4
(3) $0.60/1 (doubles for OOP, but only $0.60 goes tooward promo balance)
(3) $1.00/2
8 Progresso soups @ 4/$5
(2) $1.10/3
(2) DiGiorno Pizzas @ 6.85 each
(2) $3/1
total towards promo = $42.70
received $5 toward purchase by 7/10/10 (this was just some writing at the bottom of the receipt. be careful! You could miss it very easily (which is probably what they want, lol)
also purchased in same transaction (just forgot to separate out)
(1) smart steps TP @ .95
(1) $1/1 *free
(2) Gatorade @ 1.00
(1) BOGO Free
(2) Cofee Mate creamers @1.24
(2) $0.75/1 (doubles) = *free
total = $30.22 ($0.24 tax inc)
used $10 cat that I had so I paid $ 20.22 OOP
And the good news is the catalina did not count towards the promo amount. If it had, I wouldn’t have enough to qualify for the $5.
So, now to plan the other $40 bucks which will be cake as I have a ton of cascadian farm and muir glen q’s. These are organic products that I buy all the time. So even if they are not on sale I will get them and they will add up quickly. I don’t know if I’m gonna go for the $120 ($50 off).
I am confused…does this promo let you earn 3 different catalinas as you progress with your amounts spent? If you go once, and qualify for the $5, then go again, and spend just the difference between the $40 you originally spent and the $80 you need for the next level, you get another cat worth $25?…and then go again and spend an additional $40 you get another cat for $50? Help!!!
@Lori, Yes that is the way it works. But they are not catalinas, they print at the bottom of you receipt.
@Cindy, I made 2 trips to Shoprite this week. I qualified for the $40 tier the first trip and got the $5 on the bottom of my receipt. Then I qualified for the $80 tier the second trip, and got $20 at the bottom of my receipt, so I believe that the total you receive is $50, not $50+$25+$5. Which is a bummer, because $80 total would have been sweet!
@Emily T.,
Yeah, it would be sweet. I can’t believe that they are printing at the bottom of the receipt. People are going to miss them. Do they deduct automatically from your next shopping order or do you have to give them the bottom of the receipt?
@Emily T., Yes, yes, I read her question too quickly. It is a total of $50 but you qualify at separate times. Once you hit $40 you get $5. Once you hit $80 you get $20 and once you hit $120 you get $25 for a total of $50. Sorry, I read it too fast. I was just answering on the fact that it prints out at different times part of the question. Thanks Emily for picking up on that.
@Cindy, I was wondering the same thing, but I read that there is a max reward of $50.
For those is you doing Glen Muir, so far it has not worked for those of us who tried.
@Regina, what do you mean, that it doesn’t count towards the promotion totals? Muir Glen is listed on the shopping list link through the shoprite.com website.
I can’t work out from the above posts if anyone else has noticed this, but I qualified for the $50 today (in one shop!!) even though I didn’t think i would as my final spend including coupons and $25 of other products, was $106. The only way I can work out that i qualified was if all my Unilever/General Miils/Kraft purchases were calculated at SHELF PRICE for the deal ( i’ve added up from my receipt that I spent $123 on promo items at their standard shop rite price) and certainly before any of the MC on the receipt came off, or the coupons. If that is so, it suggests even more opportunity to score an amazing deal through this offer!
Now, I don’t want to compete with myself in terms of my try this/check it out thread, but another option (which would involve several trips is):
Buy 4 packs of Dentyne gum, .77c with PP/ Use 4 x $1/1 coupons from 6/13 SS. Get .23 overage on each or .92c total on order. Offset overage with 1 box of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner – The Cheesiest Original, Flavor. 7.25 oz (.95c).
Pay .03c out of pocket (+tax maybe). Get credit for $4.95 in purchases. Repeat about 25 times (if you’ve bought a bunch of those coupons that is). You will have:
100 packs of gum, 25 boxes of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, and $50 to buy other groceries.
Just added another sentence to my post above because I didn’t know how to edit it. Happy reading…
Now, I don’t want to compete with myself in terms of my try this/check it out thread, but another option (which would involve several trips is):
Buy 4 packs of Dentyne gum, .77c with PP/ Use 4 x $1/1 coupons from 6/13 SS. Get .23 overage on each or .92c total on order. Offset overage with 1 box of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner – The Cheesiest Original, Flavor. 7.25 oz (.95c).
Pay .03c out of pocket (+tax maybe). Get credit for $4.95 in purchases. Repeat about 25 times (if you’ve bought a bunch of those coupons that is). Total OOP .75 cents.
For less than $1.00 OOP, you will have:
100 packs of gum, 25 boxes of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, and $50 to buy other groceries.
Read more: http://www.livingrichwithcoupons.com/2010/06/shoprite-kraftgmunilever-promotion-giveaway.html#ixzz0rAbycLZH
@Liz L, My Shoprite would probably not let you have the overage unless maybe you used it to buy another Dentyne gum. I doubt that they would let you purchase that many packs of gum with PP. Have you tried this? Interesting idea.
@Barbara A, Barbara, the beauty of this deal is that you can do it in separate transactions. So it does not have to be all in one transaction
Bought 4 packs of gum last night, and used the overage to offset expense of mac and cheese. It may be a YMMV situation by store/owner. At my local stores it has worked@Barbara A,
Here’s my spreadsheet:
Total price paid on GM/UNIL/KRAFT = $49.45
Rec’vd $50 in Certificates = $.055 moneymaker!
Total Retail Price of 48 Items = $138.14
Total Coupon Value = $50.40
Yay for small money maker. Did it in 3 trips – their way of totaling the qualifying points is slightly higher than mine (see side by side columns in my spreadsheet).
Went to Jersey City Marin Blvd x2 & North Bergen. In JC my DND-5 would double unless they had to manually input.
I had 3x Free 8.9oz Cheerios left from my Pampers Gifts to Grow rewards that helped towards this deal. Except for the one $.75 Cheerios Q from Pampers, the rest of the boxes I used $1 peelies found in the stores. Some of the boxes have codes that you can enter online at http://www.cheerioshelpinghearts.com to donate $1 to charity.
I also used $8 in REACH toothbrush cat towards OOP total, which were 2x $4 Moneymakers – http://www.livingrichwithcoupons.com/2010/06/shoprite-reach-tootbrush-possible-money-maker.html
Thanks to everyone for sharing – I’m going to donate some of the items to St. Anne’s Food Pantry. I would be thrilled to win a gc so I can give more!
here’s my try at this deal 🙂 my shoprite doubles fully.
item (shelf price) sale price x quantity – q’s = $ of doubled q = oop 🙂
digorno (6.99) 6.99 x 2 – 2(3 IP) = -6.00 = 7.98
qtips (2.99) 2.99 x 4 – 4(.60/1 IP) = -4.80 = 7.16
skippy pb (2.29) 2.00 x 8 – 4(.60/2 IP) = -4.80 = 11.20
wishbone (2.39) 1.50 x 2 – 2(.50/1 IP) = -2.00 = 1.00
om deli meat (3.50) 3.50 x 6 – 2(1.50/1 IP) & 4(1/1 5/16 ss) = -7.00 = 14.00 (get TWO $2 oyno)
shake & bake (1.99) 1.99 x 4 – 4(.75/1 IP) = -6.00 = 1.96
kraft salad dressing (2.50) 1.67 x 3 – 3(.55/1 IP) = -3.30 = 1.71 (get $2 oyno) <note: i have a rc for kraft from last week!)
bc fruit snacks (2.50) 2.50 x 4 – 2(.50/2 IP) = -2.00 = 8.00 (get $2.50 oyno)
crystal light (2.49) 1.99 x 1 – 1(2 IP) = -1 = .99 (1.99 sale starts sunday, it's 2.49 for sat…so .50oop more if buy this sat)
denteyne gum (1.00) .77 x 24 – 24(1/1 6/13 ss) = -24 = -5.52 overage!
totals: $121.49 shelf price / $48.48 after q's – $6.50 oyno = 41.98 oop get back $50! an $8 MM 🙂
the deal seems to be working on shelf prices for me. i started today and will finish tomorrow. i didn't think i would be able to do this, but so far it's working
out well.
happy shopping everyone!
@liz, i finished up this deal today & everything worked as above, but even better because i miscalculated the oyno cats…should have been 8.50 not 6.50 so it’s a $10 MM!!
now to find space to put all this stuff!! LOL thanks cindy for the help with the matchups. LOVE this site!!
The Cool Whip cat does not print as best as I can find out – I talked w/ cust service desk at my Shoprite twice and called the catalina company. Was this the same deal from Acme a couple of weeks ago?
Also, my Shoprite has $1.00 peelies on all of the Cheerios boxes which work better than all of the $.55 coupon I have b/c that way the full $2.49 price counts toward the Kraft/Unilever/GM deal.
@Stephanie B., So many people have said they had the $1.00 coupon on the Cheerios. I looked today at my ShopRite and a no for me. Bummer.
sooooo confused… my receipt says: free food this transaction: 23.82 free food points not redeemed: 27.81. what is this?????
the 23.82 is the $$ toward the deal that you earned on that reciept/transaction. the total $$ you’ve earned toward the deal is 27.81.
The coolwhip catalina did not print for me either and customer service couldn’t find it. I even sent my husband all the way back to the store cause I thought he screwed up… oops. 🙁
Another double dip catalina I don’t think was mentioned is the Oscar Meyer lunch meats (smaller size 8oz?) – Buy 3, get $2 OYNO.
Well, I can say that this promo has been stressing me out because I am very pressed for time right now, and I felt overwhelmed. So…I figured I would just go and buy what I always use, (with the corresponding coupons of course) and see how I made out for week one. Then for this week, I’d just make sure I bought the difference to get to $120 point. Imagine my surprise when I qualified for the $80 level in one shot. I went home and dragged out my calculator, and “VOILA”! My totals were based on SHELF prices! I shop in Norwalk , CT. Now, of course, I am scrambling to get my next order ready 🙂
Week 2 Purchases:
Product/qty/store price/coupons/OOP/Towards Promo
Muir Glen Organic Vodka Sauce/1/1.99/$1/1 IP/.99 OOP/1.99 promo
Muir Glen Organic Fire roasted diced tom /2/1.99/2 $1/1IP/1.98/3.98 promo
Cascadian Farms frozen organic vegetables/6/3.49/ 6 $1/1IP/14.94/20.94
Old El Paso Veg. Refried Beans/2/1.50/ .60/2 doubles IP/1.80 OOP/2.40 pro
Old El Paso Enchilada Sauce/2/2.00/.60/2 doubles IP/2.80 OOP/3.40 prom
Old El Paso Green Chilis/2/1.49/.60/2 doubles IP/1.78 OOP/ 2.38 promo
Betty Crocker Box Mash Potatoes/4/2.19/$1 off 2 peelie on box/6.76/8.76pro
Cheerios Original/1/$1off 1 IP/1.49 OOP/2.19 promo
Philadelphia whipped cream cheese/3/2.69/none:( /8.07 OOP/8.07 promo
Dentyne pure ice/5/1.19/$1/1 SS 6.13/.95 OOP/5.95 promo
Dentyne pure/5/1.19/$/1 SS 6.13/.95 OOP/5.95 promo
This transaction: $42.51 OOP/$66.01 towards promo
There is an IP for phili but it is bricks and my computer can’t print bricks, sucks. Also, these are all things that I would purchase normally. I needed cream cheese (none in fridge). You could get much cheaper stuff like the Knorr’s mixes and stuff but we don’t use them. Some other good deals I already have a huge stockpile of- like cereal and salad dressing.
I also had about 20 points carry over from my purchases last week. If you are short and not getting the final $25 off coupon. Go to customer service and ask them to look it up on your price plus card. They can see the overall total for the two weeks. Mine was 119.92 lol so I had to buy 8 cents more of stuff. That’s when I went back and bought the cheerios.
@staceypunk, so with week 1 included:
week 2 42.51+ week 1 26.15 = 68.66 OOP
get $50 in certificates is like paying $18.66 for all
when I do the math for promo points I can’t get it to come out right so I don’t know if they ARE counting the doubled coupon value or if they are using shelf prices or what.
I am really glad I’ve been reading the blog and comments because this is a confusing deal! I totally missed it when the $5 certificate printed at the bottom of my receipt- would never have looked for it there. I had to dig it out of the shredding pile in the office!
The first week I noticed that I was a little shy of reaching the $80 tier, so I bought 7 Dentyne Pure packs of gum. I used $1.00 off coupons from 6/13 SS, it gave me $1.61 overage. My total oop was $38.56 and the credit for the free groceries $81.35. I got the $25 printout at the bottom of the receipt that I’ll use to pay for week #2.
This week I only need about $40 to get the other $25 printout.
I’ll be buying:
2 Jello gelatin- .67 each (.50/2 SS 6/6) .34 oop/ $1.34 credit
2 Betty Crocker brownies- 2/$5 (.75/2 SS 05/30/10 +.75 Cellfire) $3.25 oop/$5.00 credit
2 Wishbone Dressing-2/$5- (.50/1 printable-use 2)$3 oop/ $5.00 credit
2 Ragu-$1.99 each (.60/1 RP 05/23/10- use 2)$2.78 oop/$3.98 credit
1 Maxwell House coffee-$2.49(.75/1 printable)$1.49 oop/$2.49 credit
1 Kraft 5 pack-$4.99(no coupon except on box save $2.50 on Nabisco snack pack)$4.99 credit and oop
2 Nabisco snack pack-$2.99 each( $2.50 off from Kraft peelie and in ad Super Coupon make one pack $1.99)$2.48 oop/$4.98 credit
2 Muir Glen sauce-$1.99 each($1.00 printable-use 2)$1.98 oop/$3.98 credit
2 Kraft dressing 2/$5-(use 2 $1/1 SS 06/20/10 + stack Super Coupon in ad $1.00 off 2) $2 oop/$4 credit
2 Kraft mayo $2.99 each( $1.5o 0ff 2 SS 06/20/10 + stack Super Coupon in ad $1.00 off 2 Kraft mayo)$3.48 oop/$4.98 credit
I will use the $25 printout from week #1 to pay for week #2
Week #2 total $25.79-$25.00= .79 oop
week #1 credit $81.35+ week #2 $45.50=$126.85
Total credit towards $25 printout-$126.85
Total oop week #1 and week #2 $38.56+.79= $39.35
$50 worth of printouts minus total oop= $10.65 moneymaker
@Sandi Kennedy, Hey Sandi. Good deal. Just a heads up as I don’t think that the Muir Glen counted toward the deal. When I calculated my total it was exactly less the 3 Muir glen that I bought.
@Cindy, it figures, but it doesn’t mess me up too much. I subtracted the Muir Glen from my credit and it still qualifies me for the $25. I needed to spend over $25 to use the printout coupon, so I’m still going to buy the sauce. Thanks for the heads up though, nothing like racking your brain to come
up with a deal only to have it fail and wonder why.
Okay so here’s what I did to spend $58.25 to get to the $120 level and still have my $20 certificate and my $25 certificate! Note that my Shoprite only “doubles” coupons up to a total of $1 so $.50 becomes $1 and $.75 becomes $1.
Day 1 – 6/14 “Testing the water”
4 Yoplait Delight Parfaits at $2.29 each (used 2 $1/1 and 2 $.50/1)
Paid: $3.16
Points: 9.16
Day 2 – 6/17 “Starting to get the hang of it”
2 Betty Crocker Potatoes at $1.99 each (used $1/1 peelie and $.50/1)
1 Ritz Crackerfuls at $2.99 (used $1/1)
1 Old El Paso Taco Shells at $2.19
1 Old El Paso Vegetarian Refried Beans at $1.49 (used $.60/2)
2 Old El Paso Enchilada Sauce at $1.79 each (used $.60/2)
3 Ragu at 3 for $4 (didn’t have any coupons so could have been cheaper)
4 WishBone Dressing at 2 for $3 (used 2 $1.25/2)
2 Nature Valley Granola Bars at $2.50 each (used 2 $.50/1)
3 Dentyne at $.77 (used 2 $1/1)
1 YoPlus at $2.79 (used $1/1)
1 Philadelphia Cream Cheese at $1.99 (used $1/1)
1 Yoplait 32 oz Yogurt at $2.99 (used $.55/1)
2 Yoplait Delight Parfait at $2.29 (used $1/1)
1 Fiber One Yogurt at $2.79 (used $.55/1)
1 Deli Deluxe Cheese at $3.69 (used $1/1)
1 Breyers at $2.49 (used Shoprite coupon to make it $.99)
USED 1 Shoprite coupon for $5/$30
Paid: $27.86
Points: $60.67
Day 3 – 6/18 “Starting to enjoy this but need cheese and deli meet for hubby – Grrrrr!”
4 Kraft Shredded Cheese at $3.49 each (no coupons – grrrrr)
1 Old El Paso Vegetarian Beans at $1.49
1 Old El Paso Taco Seasoning at $.99 (used $.50/2)
1 Bulls Eye BBQ Sauce at $1.69 (used $.75/1 blinkie DND)
2 Skippy Peanut Butter at 2 for $4 (used $.75/2)
1 Lipton Organic Green Tea 18 count for $3.19
1 Lipton Tea 100 count for $2.99 (used $1/2)
Philadelphia Strawberry Cream Cheese Tub at $2.69 (used $1/1)
3 Oscar Meyer Deli Fresh Meat at $3.50 each (used $1/1) and got $2 Catalina for buying 3
USED Shoprite Family $2 Reward, $5 free food certificate from Day 2, Shoprite YourBucks $1l.50 Reward from Apple Juice, and Shoprite $5/$30 (given to me by a nice lady leaving the store who wasn’t going to use it!)
Paid: $22.25
Points: 42.95
Day 4 – 6/20 “Sad to finish the promotion. They should do this all the time!”
2 Kraft Mac & Cheese at $1.00 each (used $.55/2)
1 Kraft Singles Cheese at $2.99
1 Q-Tips at $3.99 (used $.60/1)
USED $2 Oscar Meyer Catalina
Paid: $4.98
Points: 7.22
Overall, I was pretty pleased. It took a while to get the hang of it as I haven’t done one of these before. I still have the $20 and $25 Certificate to use and have almost earned another $2 Shoprite Family Reward! I spent a little more on sandwich meat and cheese for my husband than I would have if I had been shopping just for myself but helped make up for it with the $5/$30 coupons.
I’ve made a couple of trips already to work toward my Kraft/ Unilever/GM total. My first trip is as follows. I was very fortunate to have some double dollars from a competitors store to use during my first three trips. (d) = store doubled
First trip:
3- 100 Kraft Calorie Cheese packs- 2.99 each/ 3 1.00 off coupons and 3 double dollars
1- bisquick- 3.79-.60 coupon (d)/ .50 cellfire
Total: 5.06
Second trip:
1 box wheaties- 4.99/ 1.00 coupon/ 1.00 Cellfire
1 hellmans- 3.99 .75 coupon (d)
2 Nature valley bars- 2.50 (3.29) each .50 coupon (d)/ .50 coupon
1 qtips- 2.99 .60 coupon (d)
2 betty crocker cakes- 1.34 (1.64) each .75 coupon (d)
2 betty crocker frosting 1.79 each .75 coupon (d)
4 betty crocker fruit snacks- 2.50 each 2- .50 coupons on 2/ .50 cellfire (catlina 2.50)
2 Lipton to go- 1.99 (2.49)each 2- .50 coupon (d)
2 trix- 2.49 (2.99) 1.00 coupon/ .55 cellfire
3 Ragu- 1.33 (1.99) each 3 .60 coupon (d)
3 Korr Rice- .94 each .75 coupon (d)
2 Kraft dressing 2.50 each 1.00 coupon /1 double dollar
total: 32.76
third trip:
2 boxes of choc. Cheerio 2.49 (3.99) each 1.00 coupon/1 double dollar
2 oreo cookies- 2.99 each – 2.99 b1g1 plus milk coupon
Total: 5.97
– 5.00 (from qualification for $40.00)
OOP- .97 cents
Total out of pocket so far $ 38.79 and qualified for $20.00
This weeks trip I will use my $20 certificate to buy the following:
4- Mulit Nabisco single snacks- 2.99 each (4.99) 2 1.00 coupons
6 – Mac and cheese – 1.00 each – 3 .55 coupons (d)
2 – Planters Flavor grove nuts- 2.50 each 2 1.50 coupons
1- Chex cereal- 3.99 .75 coupon (d)
I estimate total to be $17.50 but with my certificate this is all free and if my calculations are correct I will qualify for addition $25.00 certificate.
Estimated Total price paid on GM/UNIL/KRAFT = $38.79
If calculations are correct recieve $50 in Certificates = $11.21moneymaker!
Total Retail Price of 47 Items = $121.83
Total Coupon Value = $37.39
Made it to the $20 certificate today- yay! I am only $15 away from the $120 so may go to a different ShopRite tomorrow to see if I can find some of the products I have free coupons for (the store closest to me doesn’t have the Kraft Homestyle Mac and Cheese or the Olive Oil mayo) to get over the top.
Extra score today- there was a sample table with a free reusable tote, and inside were samples of Tide detergent, Tide stain release, and coupons for Pampers ($1/1 big pack), Pantene ($1/1) , Olay ($1/1 facial cleanser or moisturizer, and $1/1 body wash), and Gillette ($4/1 ProGlide razor, and $2/1 ProSeries skin care). They are all Shop Rite store coupons, so I think they can be stacked with MFCs, too! Be on the lookout for this at your store!
Here’s a last minute way to get in on this deal w/ minimal effort… My ShopRite has TONS of Cheerios w/ $1 peelies. If your stores do too, here’s what you can do…
Buy 34 boxes of Cheerios (shelf price: 3.49)=118.66 plus 2 Dentyne = 120.20 total shelf price toward deal.
Use 34 $1/1 peelies. If you have the Dentyne coupons, that’s an added bonus.
Sale price=2.49 x 34=84.66
Subtract $34 in Cheerios peelies=50.66 plus 1.54 in Dentyne = 53.74 OPP.
Receive $50 in ONYO coupons. You’ll have enough Cheerios to feed a large, hungry family for a long time, plus you can make a very generous donation to a food bank and help some less fortunate families.
*You probably would want to split this up into a few transactions.
Have a great day!