eOffer coupons are now available at Giant Eagle. These are e-coupons that are loaded onto your Giant Eagle card and deducted at checkout.
eOffer discounts may be combined with other coupons and offers unless otherwise specified for the eOffer or other coupon, discount or offer (per Giant Eagle’s website). E-coupons do not double.
Here is what is currently available. These offers are valid through 12/26/09.
- Save $1.25 on Slimfast
- Save $1 on Tylenol Arthritis Pain
- Save $1 on any Children’s Tylenol Plus
- Save $1 on any Tylenol Cold, Cough, Sinus or Allergy Product
- Save $1 on Tylenol 8 Hour
- Save $1 on any Children’s or Infants Tylenol
- Save $1 on Extra Strength Tylenol
- Save $1 on Tylenol PM
- Save $1 on Pedigree Dog Treats
- Save $1 on New York Brank Texas Toast Croutons
- Save $1 on Marzetti Refrigerated Salad Dressing
- Save $1/2 Chiquita Frozen Fruit Smoothies
- Save $1 on Caress Body Wash or Bar Soap
- Save $1 on Axe PW Shower Gel or Detailer Tool
- Save $.55 on Country Crock Spreads
- Save $.50 on New York Frozen Bread Product
Thanks Savings in Akron for this list.