All coupons $.99 and under are doubled.
Be sure to stop by every week for all the great deals listed!
$.55/1 from the 8/23 Smart Source
Final Price: $.57
Land O Lakes Whipped Butters $1.99
$.50/1 from the 8/30 Smart Source
Final price: $.99
Caribou Ground Coffee $4.49
$2/1 Printable
Final Price: $2.49
Natures Bounty Vitamins 50% off
$1/1 Printable
Final Price: Varies
Spot Shot Stain Remover $2.25
$1/1 Printable
Final Price: $1.25
Lysol All Purpose Cleaner $1.88
$.75/1 from the 9/13 Smart Source
Final Price; $.38
Lysol Disinfecting Wipes $1.88
$1/1 from the 9/13 Smart Source
Final price: $.88
Lsyol Dual Action Wipes $1.88
$1/1 from the 9/13 Smart Source
Final price: $.88
Lysol Kitchen Cleaner $1.88
$1/1 from the 9/13 Smart Source
Final Price: $.88
Lysol Mildew Cleaner $1.88
$.75/1 from the 9/13 Smart Source
Final Price: $.38
Lysol Neutra Air $1.88
$1/1 Printable
Final Price: $.88
Carpet Fresh No Vacuum Deodorizer $1.49
$1/1 from the 9/27 Smart Source
Final Price: $.49
Hershey’s Fun Size Candy $1.67
$1/3 from the 9/27 Smart Source
Final Price: $1.34 each when you buy 3
Snapple Teas 12 pk $4.99
$1/1 Printable
Final Price: $3.99
Buy $15 get $5:
Playtex Living Rubber Gloves 1 pr $1.49
Final Price: $.49
Wet Ones $1.99
$1/1 Printable
Final Price: $.99
Playtex Tampons $6.99
$1/1 Printable
Final Price: $5.99
Energizer Batteries $4.99
$.75/1 from the 9/27 Smart Source
Final Price: $3.49
Deal Idea:
Buy 1 Energizer Battery $4.99
Buy 3Wet Ones $5.97
Buy 3 Playtex Gloves $4.47
-(1)$1.50 Energizer
-(3)$1.00 Wet Ones
-(3)$1.00 Playtex Gloves
Pay: $7.93 OOP (if you did the General Mills deal you could use the $10 catalina from that + extra groceries to pay for this so OOP would be $0)
Get a $5.00 Catalina
Final Price: $2.93 for all
Good deals:
There are a ton of items in the 4 day price break
5 lb Eastern Potates $1.49
Nature’s Reserve Whole Beef Tenderloin $3.99/lb (limit 1)
Flu Shot $30.00
Get a $15 ShopRite Gift Card